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Can We Run In Walking Shoes?

Can We Run In Walking Shoes

In the fitness and running world, the shoes you wear are super important for how well you do and staying safe from injuries.

People often wonder if it’s okay to run in shoes made for walking.

In this easy-to-follow guide, we’ll talk about the differences between walking shoes and running shoes, what your feet need when you run, and how to pick the right shoes for your next jog. Ready to start? Let’s tie our shoelaces and go!

Can You Run in Walking Shoes?

Can We Run In Walking Shoes

Yes, you can run in walking shoes, but it might not feel as comfortable or provide the right support for running.

Running shoes are made just for running. They’re better for running because they’re designed to handle the way you move and the impact on your feet.

I myself have Skechers arch fit walking shows, but whenever I try to run in them, it becomes hard for me in comparison to if I run in proper running shoes. I can feel the weight of those walking shoes when I speed up.

See there are people in the world who run barefoot every day but as we know caution is better than cure.

This means if there are people in the world who can run barefoot, you can also run in walking shoes.

Can We Run In Walking Shoes

But does that give you the same results as running shoes? absolutely not, do they make you feel as comfortable in them while running as you feel in running shoes? Absolutely not!

Walking shoes are great for slow walks and are comfy. But if you want to run, they might not be the best choice.

You can run in walking shoes, but they are more prone to foot injuries and can also put a lot of pressure on your knees. However, you can walk in running shoes without fear of getting any injury.

Many fitness walkers use running shoes for walking, though the same is not true for runners. Walking shoes do not have the flexibility and cushioning needed for long runs.

If you try to run in walking shoes, the first thing that you are going to feel is pain in your heel because walking shoes lack cushioning and bounce, which is very much needed because of the amount of pressure (4 times the body weight) on our feet During running.

On the contrary, the amount of pressure on our feet while walking is only 1.5 times our body weight.

This is why you see more cushioning in running shoes than in walking shoes.

Both running and walking shoes are engineered for forward movement. But the main difference is the impact. When we walk out both feet are on the ground.

On the other hand, during running only one foot touches the ground while the other is in the air. This means, there will be more pressure on one foot.

And to handle that much pressure, running shoes are designed to provide more cushioning and bounce to reduce the impact and increase the shock absorption.

Brooks Glycerin is one example, which can be used for small marathons or jogging because it has more cushioning and it is also lightweight than any normal walking shoes.

These shoes are also good for people who walk more than 7 miles per day. You can try these shoes if you do a little bit of running. However, do know that these shoes are not meant for running. If you do proper running they might not suit well to your purpose.

Runners should avoid shoes that have less heel-to-drop ratio. However, the amount of heel-to-drop depends on the runner striking. Whether the runner hits the ground with heel, midfoot, or ball of feet, there are specific types of running shoes for every type.

Generally, the heel-to-toe ratio is higher in walking shoes because walkers strike the heel first and roll through the step.

The heel drop is usually written in millimeters on the shoe box. Walking shoe heel droop can go up to 8 mm, whereas running shoe heel drop can go up to 4 mm.

Though it is written in the description, still it is better if you can try the shoes. Some shoes’ heels look higher from the outside but can be low when you slip your feet inside.

Last is the flexibility of the shoes. Running shoes usually have more flexibility than walking shoes.

Can We Run In Walking Shoes

Some running shoes have flexibility in the midfoot while others have it in the forefoot. It depends on the running pattern of the runner which part of the foot he strikes first.

However, if you have flat feet then you need motion-control running shoes that have less flexibility.

But most walking shoes are less flexible which is going to be a big problem while running. Even walking shoes should have some flexibility in them.

But as I said, most walking shoes do not have that kind of flexibility. And if you wear walking shoes for running, you will not be able to run properly and long.

Related: Does Running Reduce Thigh Fat?

Reasons why it is hard to run in walking shoes

Can We Run In Walking Shoes

Weight difference

Weight difference will always be there between proper running and walking shoes. Running shoes are going to be light in comparison to walking shoes.

However, there are walking shoes that weigh the same as some running shoes. But that is not going to be a problem for walkers.

However, running shoes that weigh more than walking shoes are not technically running shoes and will be a problem for runners.


The simple rule is, you need more cushioning in running shoes because they are meant to absorb the shock and pressure.

Running shoes also have more bounce than walking shoes. Bounce gives the punch to the runner to move forward.

Running shoes compress and then bounce back with every step to absorb the pressure. Walking shoes have soles that compress less and are more rigid.

Related: How to Get Rid of Sore Calves From Running

Heel-to-toe drop

Heel-to-toe drop is also the main difference between running shoes and walking shoes. Heel to drop distance of toe point from the floor or the heel. The distance is higher in running shoes than in walking shoes but the drop is less in running shoes.


Lastly, running shoes have more flexibility so that they can adjust to the foot movement of runners.

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Can We Run In Walking Shoes

What will happen if you run in walking shoes?

So, as I already said there are people who run barefoot, so there are chances that you might not face any problem while running in walking shoes. However, these types of cases are very rare.

If you plan to run in walking shoes you can easily get any foot injury.

Because of the less flexibility and less shock absorption one might get their ankle twisted.

Even if you don’t get any foot injury in the starting. In the long term, you might get a knee problem.

The main reason behind that is walking shoes are not meant to hold that much pressure, which is 4 times during running.

Best walking shoes can only hold up to 2 times the body weight. You need double of that which is impossible to get in walking shoes. This will put a lot of pressure on your feet and knee, which can lead to knee pain or heel pain in the long run.


How To Clean Suede Shoes Without Suede Cleaner?

How To Clean Suede Shoes Without Suede Cleaner?

If you have suede shoes, the. You know that cleaning them is a headache as you need to be extra careful with suede material, or else it will lose its shine.

The easiest way to clean your suede shoes is with suede cleaner. But what if you don’t have one? Well, that is the main reason I’m writing this article. In this article, I will discuss some ideas of how to clean suede shoes without suede cleaner.

A Simple Guide to Cleaning Suede Shoes Without Suede Cleaner

So, let’s discuss some methods to clean your suede shoes without using any product.

In this first method, I will discuss how you can clean your suede boot by using a brush, microfiber cloth, and eraser.

How To Clean Suede Shoes Without Suede Cleaner?

The best thing about this method is that your shoes will not get wet as making your suede wet can ruin the hair follicles of the suede.

The first step is to clean the dry dust and lint from the shoes by using a microfiber cloth.

The best thing about the microfiber cloth is that it doesn’t leave behind the dust as it absorbs all the dust inside it. Make sure the microfiber cloth you are using is dry.

Related: How To Clean White Canvas Shoes Without Turning Them Yellow?

The next step is to take a soft brush that has a hard bristle. The reason for using hard bristles is to remove the dust and brush the hairs on the suede.

How To Clean Suede Shoes Without Suede Cleaner?

To make sure the hair of suede is brushed properly, use the brush in one direction.

The last thing you need is an eraser. Get any eraser you have at your home. Now rub it on the part where you see the stains on the shoes.

There are higher chance that the stains will be gone after using a rubber.

This method is very simple and also doesn’t harm suede material in any matter.

Related:Can you Wear Suede Shoes in Summer

Key things to keep in mind

So, when you are cleaning your suede shoes, make sure to keep some things in mind.

How To Clean Suede Shoes Without Suede Cleaner?

First, you have to choose a brush that has no too-hard or too-soft bristles. Too hard bristles can reuin the hair fibers of suede and too soft will not be able to remove the dirt.

Now, when you use the eraser, don’t use it on the whole shoe at one time. Start rubbing the eraser on a small part of the shoe and then immediately remove the dust with a brush.

Now, redo the same process again for the whole shoe. Choose small parts and never leave without brushing as it can leave dust particles on the shoes.

If normal rubber doesn’t work on your shoes, you can buy a rubber that is specifically made for suede and is known as suede rubber.

Lastly, don’t wet your suede shoes for cleaning. There are many guides on cleaning suede sneakers online and some of them are really bad.

Water is not good for suede in any condition. In case your suede shoes get wet in the rain or accidentally you step in a puddle, then the first thing is to make them dry. Stuff some newspapers if they are really wet to speed up the dry process.

If your suede shoes have mud on them, then the only way to clean them is by using a specific solution used to clean suede shoes.

Never try any methods that tell you to put your suede sneakers in water or wash them with baking soda or a bleaching agent. All of this will ruin the suede material.


How To Clean White Canvas Shoes Without Turning Them Yellow?

How to clean white canvas shoes without turning them yellow

Do you have white canvas shoes? If yes, then you know they need extra care then your leather white sneakers.

Well, the simple reason behind that is canvas shoes are made of fabric that can absorb any liquid.

Though cleaning canvas shoes is not a big deal as they are made of thick cotton fabric, still the fear of yellow stains remains there. 

So, what you can do or how to clean white canvas Shoes without turning them yellow? Well, that is what I’m going to discuss in this article.

The best thing about canvas shoes is that they are made of thick fabric and this fabric doesn’t peel off while cleaning. So, you don’t have to worry that using a brush will damage the fabric. 

However, white canvas shoes have one problem: they turn yellow if anything goes wrong. 

So, it is important to know what to avoid while cleaning your white canvas shoes than how to clean them.

So, let’s dicuss about things that you should avoid to prevent your white canvas shoes from turning yellow.

Avoid white canvas shoes from turning yellow

Firstly, you should avoid using bleach to clean your white canvas shoes. If you are using bleach then make sure the water quantity is 3 times the bleach quantity.

If the concentration of bleach is high, it can leave you yellow spots on your shoes. 

There are ways to turn your shoes back to white but sometimes it is hard to reverse the effect 100%.

Instead of bleach you can use other cleansing agents like toothpaste, detergent, or show cleaner.

The second big mistake that you should avoid to prevent your white shoes from turning yellow is never to put them under direct sunlight for drying.

Sunlight might be the main reason why white shoes turn yellow. Instead of putting them under direct sunlight, instead, let them air dry naturally.

Put them under a shadow in a well-ventilated area and let them air dry. Usually, canvas shoes take 24 hours to dry if the ventilation is good. So, be patient with the drying process.

Also, don’t put your white canvas shoes in a dryer to speed up the process as it can melt the canvas. Similarly, you should avoid hairdryer.

Out of all, letting your canvas shoes dry by themselves is the best option to prevent them from turning yellow or to ruin the fabric.

Lastly, with time, the dirt accumulates on your shoes. Canvas shoes are made of hard cotton fabric that can absorb dirt and liquid.

So, with time, white shoes are going to turn yellow, does matter how much you care for them.

But, if you can delay that process by taking care of your shoes. Clean your white canvas at least once a week if you wear them regularly.

Moreover, clean the dirt with a microfiber cloth daily to get rid of dirt. I use a microfiber cloth to clean my all shoes.

After wearing my shoes for the day, I use a slightly wet microfiber cloth to clean all the dirt. The best thing about microfiber cloth is that it absorbs all the dirt instead of spreading it.

By mistake, if your shoes turn yellow, then wash them immediately and don’t let the chemicals or dirt settle in. 

It is easier to get rid of yellowish spots until the liquid or chemicals settle in. 

If yellow spots are still there use white polish or white chalk to cover up the yellow color.

The best thing about canvas shoes is that you can use white chalk and make them look new, I used to do that a lot on my white canvas shoes.

Related: How To Bleach Black Jeans White

How to wash white canvas shoes without turning them yellow

You can wash your white canvas shoes in a washing machine or you can also handwash them. 

Handwash is a better option as it is less harsh on fabric. 

But as I already discussed canvas is a hard fabric you can wash it in a washing machine.

But make sure your shoes don’t have any leather or suede material. The agitation cycle of a washing machine is so harsh that it can ruin the suede or leather material.

But if your shoes are only canvas, then you can wash them in the washing machine.

Use a mild detergent and add it to the washing machine with warm water. Slightly warm water will work better in cleaning the cold water.

Now use the normal cycle to wash your shoes. 

Always wash the laces separately from the shoes so that the tongue area gets the same cleansing treatment as the other part of the shoes. 

If your shoes have dirt or mid stains then make sure to remove them before putting them into the washing machine.

If the mud stains are wet then let them dry. Then use a brush to remove the dry stains. After that use a wet microfiber cloth to absorb all the dirt remaining on the shoes. 

Now, you can remove the shoelaces and their your shoes in a washing machine, and follow the process explained above.

So, there are many products and cleansing agents that you can use to make your white canvas shoes look in new condition.

Related: How To Clean Suede Shoes Without Suede Cleaner?

However, you never know how these cleansing agents will react to your shoes.

If the chemicals are harsh, they can make your shoes look pure white for the first time, but if you continuously use them, it can turn your white shoes yellow.

For me, a mild detergent can do the work. 

If your white canvas shoes are not clean after washing in the machine, then you can handwash them.

First, you have to remove the dust from the shoes. As I already discussed, use a brush and microfiber cloth to remove the dust. 

If there is mud, use a brush, then clean it with a microfiber cloth.

After cleansing, pour some warm water over the shoes. Don’t put your shoes directly in water if you only want to clean the shoes from outside.

Instead, pour some water on the stained part of the shoes. 

Now apply the toothpaste on the toothbrush and start rubbing on the wet part. Toothpaste has. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, which is a good cleansing agent. 

Now, pour some water again on the shoes and follow the same process. 

If the toothbrush is flexible and too small for you, use a big brush.

The best thing about canvas shoes is that they are made of tough fabric, and don’t get peeled off with brush.

After brushing the whole shoe, you can wash the shoes to get rid of dirt and toothpaste. 

Lastly, you can use a microfiber cloth again to wipe off the extra water. 


Are Uggs Waterproof For Snow?

Are Uggs Waterproof For Snow?

Let’s be honest, uggs are one of the coziest and cute shoes out there. From being just surfer boots, uggs have become a wardrobe staple and style statement in the present.

They are cozy, comfortable, and fluffy and are good for winter. But one question that might pop into your mind is are Uggs waterproof for snow?

Can you take them out during harsh winters? Well, that is what I’m going to discuss in this article. So, without any delay let’s start.

Are Uggs waterproof for snow?

Are Uggs Waterproof For Snow?

Well, technically uggs are not waterproof as they are made of sheepskin material, which is not water resistant. On top of that, most Uggs also do not come with a pre-waterproof treatment.

However, there are some uggs that come as waterproof Uggs but they will cost you more and some people don’t prefer them because of their extra chunky style. 

So, in case you want to wear them in the snow then, consider waterproof Uggs first. 

While some might think that snow is not going to be a problem, but it will melt and make your uggs wet if you don’t waterproof them.

Though you should know that, shipskin is slightly waterproof and can save you from mild snow.

Are Uggs Waterproof For Snow?

However, the salt they throw to melt the snow, can ruin the material of uggs, and you might get circle stains on your uggs.

Well, we all know that Uggs are super cozy and they protect you from cold but they are not waterproof. 

There are just like winter sweaters which we wear for warmth during winter but they can easily get wet. It is similar to Uggs.

Some people have a misconception that Uggs are made for surfers so that they can hold the mild snow.

Well, they can buy still there are high chance that they will get wet. Moreover, yes, uggs are made for surfers but the concept is that surfers wear them afterward to get their feet warm fast. 

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How to waterproof Uggs?

Are Uggs Waterproof For Snow?

If you want to wear your uggs outside in snowy winter, then waterproofing them before sounds more sensible. Though you can wear them in mild snow, but avoid them if you are not sure. 

Waterproofing your uggs is the only way that can give them extra protection from getting wet. 

Related: Ugg VS Emu – Which is a better Option?

All, you have to do to waterproof your Uggs is to –

  • Firstly, clean the uggs with a brush as it will remove the dust particles from the boots and let the waterproof spray settle evenly and more effectively. 
  • Further, use a microfiber cloth to clean or wipe the dry dirt. 
  • Now, pick a good waterproof spray from a local store or online. Pick the one you trust. 
  • Now, take a trial of spray by spraying on a spot that is not visible. And let it dry naturally. Check if it works. If yes then continue with the process
  • Now spray on the whole boot from a 10-inch distance. Don’t overdo it, one light coat is enough. You can double-coat if you don’t get the desired result.
  • Now, let them dry. Leave them in natural air under a shadow. Don’t use a hair dryer or anything to speed up the process. 

The main reason to avoid heat products near Uggs is because they are made of sheepskin.

It is basically wool, and as you know we never put our wool sweaters in heat.

It is the same case with uggs, you should let them dry naturally. It might take 24 hours for them to dry. So leave them in a room which has enough ventilation.

Redo this process in every season before wearing your uggs in snow.

Depending on the quality of the waterproof spray, you might have to re-do the waterproofing process twice in a season. 

To avoid that make sure to pick a good quality waterproof spray that works well on sheepskin material.

Also, you should know that waterproofing your uggs will not make them 100% waterproof. No shoes can become fully waterproof, else it will become 0% breathable. 

So, when you decide to wear your uggs in the snow, make sure there is no heavy snow.

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What to do if uggs get wet?

There will always be chances that your Uggs will get wet or stained even after waterproofing. To avoid any further damage it is better to dry them as soon as you get home.

But at the same time, you don’t have to worry because it will not damage the Uggs until and unless you leave them wet.

Let them air dry. Don’t use any heat products like a hair dryer or dryer, instead put them somewhere with a ventilated area. 

If your uggs are wet from the inside, stuff them with newspaper to soak up the excess water.

After that use a suede brush or mild hard bristle brush to run off the dirt. 

Now, use a microfiber fiber cloth to grab the dirt left on the boots. 

Lastly, you need to use a suede eraser or any eraser you have at home. 

Rub the stained area with an eraser. Now use the brush and microfiber cloth to get off the dirt. 

Don’t use water on your uggs to avoid any further damage. 


What Color Hoodie Goes With Blue Jeans ?

What Color Hoodie Goes With Blue Jeans

You just got a pair of jeans and want to know which color hoodie goes well with blue jeans?

If yes, then you are at the right place. In this article, I will give a list of some best hoodie and blue jeans combinations that will elevate your style and overall outlook.

Before, starting, I want you to know that light blue jeans go well with most colors than dark blue jeans.

So, if you are confused between light or dark blue jeans, then always go with light blue jeans. Dark blue jeans look good with shirts and a T-shirt.

What Color Hoodie Goes With Blue Jeans?

Navy hoodie with blue jeans

Navy Hoodie with blue jeans

Just like white-white, black-black, you can never go wrong with blue-blue.

Navy blue is a royal color and the best thing is that it can go with anything.

  • To create an elegant and mature look, you can simply pair your Navy blue hoodie with light blue jeans.
  • The key here is to choose a Navy hoodie that looks minimalistic and color doesn’t ich in your eyes.
  • Navy color comes in different shades but always go with slightly darker Navy shades to create a complimentary hue with light blue jeans.
  • White shoes look great with this attire. However, you can tan shoes.

The best thing is that you can also make your outfit semi-formal by adding a layer of black trench coat or overcoat.

Besides, white sneakers, you can also pair dessert boots or Chelsea boots to make it look more classy.

Besides blue jeans, a Navy blue hoodie can be worn with many different bottom wear such as – black jeans, black joggers, and cream chinos.

Lastly, a plain navy hoodie will give more options to experiment with than a hoodie that has patterns on it.

  • If you only want to wear a hoodie with blue jeans then the pattern on a hoodie is not a problem.
  • The key here is to make sure the color of the pattern matches the color of your shoes.
  • If you are wearing white shoes then the white pattern on a navy hoodie will complement much better than a green color pattern.

Black hoodie with blue jeans

You can never go wrong with black. Just like navy and white, black goes with most colors.

But unlike, a navy hoodie, you can pair a black hoodie with any blue jeans shade.

A plain black hoodie will give you plenty of options to experiment with your outfit.

  • You can wear a black hoodie and pair it with an overcoat or trenchcoat.
  • You also have multiple footwear options to choose from. You can wear white, black, red, and even green sneakers with a black hoodie and blue jeans to create a casual look.
  • Light blue jeans will go well with all the above.
  • But if you are wearing darker shades of blue jeans then going with light color shoes like white sneakers makes more sense.

Grey hoodie with blue jeans

What Color Hoodie Goes With Blue Jeans

Want to look more open and inviting then wearing a grey hoodie with light blue jeans is going to help you.

Though grey is a neutral color and goes with most colors but light blue color makes one the best combination.

  • If you want to add a touch of class to the outfit, then layer it with a black overcoat.
  • Do know that light blue jeans look more appealing when paired with a grey hoodie. Avoid too dark blue jeans with a grey hoodie.
  • You can also wear a frayed denim jacket over a grey hoodie to create a dope and macho look.

Related: Does Working Out In Hoodie Make Any Difference?

Mustard or beige hoodie with blue jeans

If you want to create a bold look, then this cold and want combination of mustard and light blue will help you in achieving that.

Mustard is one color that can look very good on anyone without overdoing anything.

  • Unlike other colors, the mustard color hoodie looks good without any extra layer of denim jacket.
  • Mustard color is bold and noticeable, so you don’t have to overdo anything to make it more noticeable.
  • For footwear, go with white sneakers. Oof white shoes also look great with this combination.

Lastly, make sure to buy a mustard hoodie from the store and not online.

There is not so much difference between mustard and yellow, so make sure you pick the right color.

Related: 10 Tips to Style Shirt over Hoodie

Red hoodie with blue jeans

Navy Hoodie with blue jeans

If you want to create a bold statement and want to get noticed then wearing a red hoodie with light blue jeans is the best pick.

Personally, this is my color hoodie to pair with ice-blue jeans. The red color pops out more when paired with light color.

However, I don’t prefer a red hoodie with dark blue jeans as both colors overpower each other.

  • So, if you want to stand out, then light blue jeans are the best option to pair with a red hoodie.
  • You can also add a layer of a blue denim jacket or white bomber jacket to pop out the red color.
  • Do know that if you want to create different looks with a red hoodie and light blue jeans then white shoes will help you in achieving your desired look.
  • When you create a composition of light color and add a bold color like red, then it will elevate the overall look and make you noticeable.

Related: How To Wear A Hoodie Under a Jacket ?

White hoodie with blue jeans

What Color Hoodie Goes With Blue Jeans

White is the one color that goes with most colors. You can easily pair a white hoodie with blue jeans without thinking twice.

The best thing is that you can pair a white hoodie with literally any shade of blue jeans.

  • I prefer to wear a white hoodie with medium light shade blue jeans. However, you can pair it with any jeans.
  • Besides blue jeans, you can pair a white hoodie with cream chinos, and olive chinos to create a semi-formal look.
  • To go one step further, and make it look more stylish and dope, wear denim over a hoodie.
  • It is worth noting that, it looks more appealing if your denim jacket shade matches with your jeans shade.
  • Lastly, when pairing a white hoodie with blue jeans, it makes more sense to go with off white hoodie in contrast to pure white.
  • Off-white hoodies look more appealing and it is easier to style them with different outfits.

Now, let’s talk about the shoes.

If you are wearing a white hoodie with blue jeans, doesn’t matter the contrast, then the best option would be white sneakers.

If your hoodie is plain then plain white sneakers look more appealing. On the contrary, if a hoodie has some pattern then shoes with a little bit of texture (like a golden goose) work fine.


Dark brown hoodie with blue jeans

Dark Brown Hoodie with blue jeans
credit: pinterest

Another option that go hand in hand is dark brown hoodie with blue jeans


Is working out in sweatpants a Good Idea?

working out in sweatpants
Image Credit : Freepik

Sweatpants have been my favorite. I wear them all year round. They are relaxing and I feel free when I wear sweatpants. But can you wear them while working out?

Well, that is what I thought a few months back. And here I’m writing an article about this.

So, without any stories let’s jump to the main question.

Is working out in sweatpants a good idea?

working out in sweatpants

Firstly, you can workout wearing anything you feel comfortable in unless it is not affecting your workout.

So, the simple answer to whether you can wear sweatpants while working out is yes.

  • You can wear sweatpants while working out. However, the sweatpants you are wearing mustn’t limit your body movement or affect your posture.

So, here are some key things that you should consider before wearing sweatpants for a workout.

Key points to consider

  • The material of sweatpants
  • Type of sweatpants
  • Type of workout you are doing

These are the only things you have to consider before making sweatpants your gym buddy.

So, let’s discuss all the factors in detail.


Well, sweatpants are made of different materials and every material serves a different purpose.

working out in sweatpants

Cotton sweatpants 

Sweatpants made of cotton are breathable and soft. They usually are made for casual wear.

  • You can wear these sweatpants while sitting on your couch but don’t wear them while working out.
  • Cotton sweatpants are soft but they trap moisture and limit movement.
  • If you work wearing cotton sweatpants, you will most likely get wet spots on your sweatpants.
  • And to be honest, that’s embarrassing especially, if your sweatpants got wet from a specific part. I hope you are getting what I’m trying to say here.
  • Secondly, sweatpants made of cotton have very little stretch to them. So if you wear them during a workout, it will limit the movement.
  • And in the worst-case scenario, your sweatpants tear if the seams are not super strong.

So, avoid sweatpants that are made of cotton, it doesn’t matter how high quality or comfortable they are.

But some people suggest that you can wear cotton sweatpants if your workout is not that intense or it’s upper body day.

Well, though there will be no problem with body movement if it’s upper body day, still cotton sweatpants can trap moisture which can lead to a bad smell.

Cotton sweatpants are breathable but they are not super breathable for a workout. So, it is better if you avoid these.

Cotton and polyester blend 

Now another type of sweatpants is made of cotton blends.

It means they have cotton and polyester or nylon as their primary material. Well, this can be a good choice for a workout.

  • You can wear sweatpants that have a blend of cotton and polyester or cotton and nylon.
  • Polyester and nylon are synthetic materials but they offer moisture-wicking ability, which is required during workouts.
  • Cotton helps it to be breathable because polyester and nylon are less breathable.
  • However, it is hard to see the sweat spots on sweatpants that are made of nylon or polyester.

Though it is a good choice, still it is not the best choice.

Cotton blend sweatpants can limit your movement if you are doing high-intensity workouts or where you need extra stretch like running, squats, deadlifts, etc.

Polyester and spandex

If you are looking for the best and comfortable sweatpants for a workout then there is nothing better than sweatpants made of polyester and spandex.

  • Sweatpants made of polyester and spandex blend are wrinkle-resistant and quick drying.
  • On top of that they are flexible and super durable. That is why this material is often used in sportswear.
  • These types of sweatpants come in a slim fit or skinny fit. And because they are flexible and stretchy.

So, there is no chance of mishappening while sitting or performing a movement.

It is not that you can not wear cotton sweatpants. You can wear them, I have worn them once but I did only biceps that day. So, I didn’t sweat that much.

  • But during, summers sweating is the main problem. Where I go, the gym is mostly full of people in the evening.
  • So, it doesn’t matter if the AC is on or I’m rarely doing anything, still, I will sweat.
  • So, in summer, I always prefer polyester and spandex sweatpants over cotton or cotton blend sweatpants.

Type of sweatpants

working out in sweatpants

Just like normal pants, There are different types of fit when it comes to sweatpants.

  • There are extra baggy sweatpants, trekking sweatpants, slim sweatpants with tapered ankles, and normal sweatpants.
  • The best fit in sweatpants for working out is slim sweatpants that have tapered ankles.
  • Many people wear trekking pants during workouts because they are very lightweight and dry very fast.
  • Well, that is a great choice if you are doing upper body workout.
  • Trekking pants are good but they lack stretch which is very important if you are running or doing any leg workout.

Related: Best shorts for thick thighs

Celebs and fitness celebs Who wear sweatpants for workout

Here are some celebrities who often wear sweatpants during workout

Sam Sulek:


Michelle Lewin:

working out in sweatpants
Credit : michelle_lewin

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson:


Jennifer Lopez (J.Lo):

working out in sweatpants


Chris Pratt:

working out in sweatpants



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