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Change Your Life With Positive Attitude | Develop To Get Success

importance of positive attitude

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“You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.”

Attitude is what governs your life. Every decision you make is a virtue of your attitude towards it. An influential element of human behavior is what an ATTITUDE you have towards life,and how you react to day to day activities. 

Attitude is a quality that every person has. The nature of it depends upon various factors. Before knowing its nature and factor let’s talk about how attitude is important in our lives.


How important is attitude

Let’s start with a short story. A story of two different men who want to plant fruits. One started and took immediate actions and planted them. While the other is still thinking and waiting for god knows what. The difference between the two men is their attitude. One is still thinking and the other one has already pursued it.

A positive attitude will keep you moving forward while the negative can badly affect your health and will become hindrance to your success.

You get to know your attitude from the little little things you do on a daily basis. The ability to never give up, not easily get discouraged by rejection and a positive outlook towards your life will help to attain your dreams and goals.


It’s not always your fault that you are not having the right attitude. Sometimes the circumstances and situations are the reason for your attitude. 

Have you ever wondered why can’t we be as successful as other people, organisations?

The reason for this is your mindset i-e your attitude


A positive attitude cannot be formed overnight, it’s the process which demands time and desire.


Factors that governs attitude

You are aware of its importance now but what are the factors that identify your attitude or that govern your attitude? Till so far there are only 3’E of attitude.

They are




Let’s discuss them in detail.



The environment is what you are grown into. It can be your home, school life, work place, your background, beliefs and traditions, and your social life as well. 

A positive life cannot have a negative mind and its vice versa is also true. The same way the surroundings have an effect on your attitude. The negative environment will decrease your positivity and healthy environment will enhance it. It is solely up to you which path you want to choose for yourself. Either you can live in the pseudo world that is around you or you can make yourself come out from these unhealthy beliefs and start learning what is actually true and good for you.

Now is time for you to enhance which brings certainty and a positive outlook.



What we gain is what we attain in our lives. Our attitude changes in the same way. The experiences we share with anyone and how we behave or they behave with you determines your attitude. 

You can relate it to the experience of your’s with someone. If you have a good response from someone, your attitude becomes positive towards them and vice versa.

Try to build a positive attitude and get unaffected by the negative people or events.



The best key to problems is knowledge. Not only academic but informal education as well which ensures your success and your mindset. Knowledge, the weapon that can turn your life. Grasp as much knowledge as you can from different sources. 

The desire to learn should be infinite that it can beat most of your negativity. A person with a positive attitude is always welcomed by everyone. So, try to become that person for your healthy living.


Benefits of positive attitude in our lives

People who possess a positive attitude enjoy it’s benefits. The benefits are


First, is a healthy mind

Positivity increases productivity

Productivity ensures profits

It reduces unnecessary tension and stress

Gateway of solutions to many problems

Helps in building trust

Fosters teamwork

Better relationships at home and work place too

Enhances qualities

Improves personality

Positive environment

And many more…


How can you attain a positive attitude?

Desire to learn

Desire to learn is much needed while exploring and learning something new. Whether it’s a skill or you are trying to attain a positive attitude for a better future, desire is a must. Just as the medicine works for your wounds, in the same way desire works for you to attain a positive attitude. Make yourself ready to face any situation or difficulty, you just need a weapon for it called Positive attitude.

Look at the brighter side

Looking at the brighter side will boost your inner strength and will shift your little bit of energy to positivism. Today’s companies are looking for those employees who are good at working and have the energy to illuminate the office with positivity.  A little bit of effort and looking at the bigger picture of a positive attitude will surely do wonders to you and your life. Go through its benefits once again if you feel the desire is lacking. Imagine what it would be like if you had a positive attitude. Study them and practice on a daily basis.

Self talk 

Before coming to any conclusion, do self talking. Self talk makes us stronger from inside and clears our doubts and problems. Avoid even having the slight bit of negative energy and shift your focus on positive aspects. If you have not the habit to do self talk practice it on a piece of paper. Keep yourself away from negative people or try to explain to them the benefits of positive attitude. 



Visualization is a great tool that works for you. Visualize yourself in different situations and try to figure out the ways to handle them. In this way you are already aware of the solutions if you encounter them. Start visualizing small small things from your daily life. Make your life stronger and greater by using visualization.



Mediation is a great way to get rid of negative energies. Mediation brings positivity and peace if followed regularly. Add this in your daily routine and practice. For a peaceful mind this will definitely and even give relaxation to your body. Most preferable technique used by large people to attain peace in their lives.


Positivity brings peace along with great enthusiasm and opportunities. Work harder, follow up your routine and start working on your goal of attaining a positive attitude now.




How to Boost Immunity: Foods and Tips

boost you immunity
Credit: freepik

Immunity is your strength, your protective shield and a personal fighter. Immune system plays an important role identifying the outside virus and bacteria that attack our body, destroying it to protect our body.

Our immune system works continuously to protect and defend from infection. In order to function properly and more effectively, it is highly dependent on good nutrition source. Our bodies require rich nutritional values to keep a healthy lifestyle.

We all know how important our body is to us. We can understand it in a way a machine functions. As a machine requires essentials oils to operate properly and regular maintenance to run smoothly. The same way our bodies demands continuous building of our immune system.  And that’s why eating and choosing well is so important to boost our immunity.

So in this article we are going to list important points describing:

  1. Important Immunity boosters
  2. Foods that helps to boost your immunity
  3. Tips to strength immune system naturally

Immunity boosters are basically the ingredients we must include our daily diet, in form of foods, fruits and vegetables.


Proteins we all know are body building and immune boosters. A vital resource to repair body tissue and fight viral and bacterial infections.  These contain amino acids that help immune cells to grow. The cells produce antibodies that make the immune strong.

Too little protein in the diet may lead to body weakness, fatigue and poor immunity.  According to the research, 0.8 grams of proteins per kilo gram of body weight is required for a healthy lifestyle.

Include protein rich foods from poultry, lean meat, nuts, fish.


Eating right is an essential step to prevent illness. Vitamins are also as important as other nutrients in building our immunity strong.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is one the biggest immunity booster. Also Known as ascorbic acid is a water soluble vitamin to support a healthy immune. Because our body cannot produce Vitamin C, it is advisable to take it from everyday foods.

Vitamin C is important for growth and repairs of body tissues and consist antioxidant properties that fights free radicals in the body. Sources of Vitamin C include citrus fruits, tomatoes, green pepper, and broccoli.

Tip: When stored for longer period of time fruits and vegetables start losing Vitamin C, so eat them early. To get most nutrients, consider steaming the vegetables.

Vitamin B: Vitamin B array of multiple of types is also essential for our nervous system to break down the food and release energy. Vitamin B6 is vital to biochemical reactions of the body. Sources of Vitamin B6: meat, seafood, legumes, poultry, dark and green leafy vegetables.


Selenium: Selenium contains many antioxidant properties. Pack of selenoproteins these help to fight infection.  This important mineral you may have heard less but is vital and must be consumed through diet. Food sources for selenium are Brazil nuts, walnuts, beef, tuna, and grain products.

Zinc: Zinc is also good for proliferating cells in the body; it is an essential element for various cell activities. All the cells are dependent on the level of zinc concentration. Zinc plays an important role for the normal function of the immune system. Pumpkin seeds, cashews, Dairy products, eggs are good sources of zinc.


Now as we are known to the basic immunity boosters, to get most of these specific food have to be included that boosts immunity.

10 Foods that boost Immune System

Read on to incorporate these fruits and vegetables for a healthy balanced diet.

Garlic: Garlic has been a choice for many years due to it antiviral and antibacterial properties. The anti viral properties help to prevent your body from catching cold and flu. Garlic is believed to boost the immunity and fight cancer.  It is beneficial to heart to regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of heart disease.


Yogurt: One cup of yogurt provides 11 grams of proteins, 250 calories and zinc that are necessary for the everyday working.Yogurt is probably the best known dietary source of a probiotic (healthy bacteria) to fight off the outside infections. Daily consumption of yogurt increases the positive benefits to the immune system.


Broccoli: Broccoli is another source of essential vitamin C necessary for the immune system because it helps to stimulate antibodies.What makes it so healthy is fiber, vitamins and minerals like iron, potassium, selenium. Studies have found that boiled or steamed broccoli lowers the risk cardiovascular diseases. And whether you eat broccoli raw or cooked it is always valuable to your health.


Spinach: Spinach is regarded as the super food packed of iron, vitamin C, magnesium and fiber. These antioxidants help replenish the blood cells and provide immune system a boost. Therefore, increase the consumption with small amounts as raw or lightly cooked.


Ginger: Ginger has anti inflammatory properties and the potential to cure ailments like digestive health, cardiovascular disorders (atherosclerosis and hypertension), vomiting, diabetes mellitus, and cancer. People generally consider this amazing ingredient in Ginger tea that helps to decrease chronic pain, combat morning sickness and also reduce severe migraine.


Bananas: Bananas are rich source of Vitamin C and fiber content. Minerals like manganese are good for skin and also reduce the risk of stroke. Carbohydrates and potassium in bananas provide energy keeping your body metabolism proper.


Eggs: Eggs are source of good lean proteins. Vitamin A, Vitamin B and selenium present in eggs is the key to a healthy immune system. So, prefer boiled eggs to absorb the essential nutrients.


Oats: Keeping yourself nourished from is very important. These fiber-rich oats will keeps you full also protect against many chronic diseases. What’s more is, oats are rich in phytochemicals that are helpful for fighting cancer.


Mushrooms: Wondering how mushrooms can recharge your immune! All varieties of mushrooms contain rich content of fiber and proteins. Our ancient civilizations are using mushrooms as medicines because of their antioxidant content. Therefore, add them to your salads, soups, breakfast anywhere you can possible get a chance to add.


Sweet Potato: We have been discussing about foods that are rich in fiber, proteins and Vitamins. Sweet potato is a superfood with all these essential nutrients and cannot be left out of the list. The antioxidants found in Sweet potato not only help to improve immune boost but also the heart, teeth and vision.

Building your immunity is a gift to yourself, to your body. What we give our body now it will live with you for years. With healthy food eat every day, a good routine also keep your mind and body active. There is a connection between your mind and body.

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                 Best foods for your skin

So let’s discuss some tips to boost immunity

Sleep: Sleep is always necessary for a healthy lifestyle. Lack of sleep is a home to many health disorders and mental diseases. Sleep affects a lot to build immune system.  Getting the right amount of sleep may strength naturally your immunity.

Exercise: Moderate exercises are necessary for our lifestyles that we are adopting. Long sitting hours, used to screen, eating junk are becoming the settled life of an individual. But the body is not meant to be settled, the posture of the body is structured to mobile.

Exercise at least 3 days a week to your immune system functioning properly. Yoga or stretching exercises are also good for the blood circulation of the body and boost immunity.


Avoid Sugars: We all know how sugar level can impact our health. Consume natural sugars from fruits like banana, organs etc. These are healthy for your body and immunity. Therefore, high sugar increases the fat and may lead to obesity. Obesity is the direct consequence to sickness.


Hydration: Water is most important for our body. And some of us may fall ill due to inadequate of water intake.  Our body relies on water and detoxifies the unwanted impurities that may lead to illness.To prevent dehydration, you should drink enough water daily to make your urine pale yellow. Adding lemon juice is an added value. Take in form of Green tea or watered fruits.


Attitude: Attitude is also important in your life. A positive and energizing mood creates lively feelings. Our mind and muscles are connected; when one feel disturbed the other will automatically get affected.

Stress will cause mental sickness and body illness. Avoid stress levels, keep yourself busy, exercise, spend time with loved ones, decrease your screen time, and take out time to for yourself. Because when you are happy inside your body is also happy  and it will ultimately boost your immunity.


Rashmika Mandanna movies that made her ‘Karnataka Crush’

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Rashmika Mandanna is a versatile actress known for her roles in Geetha Govindam, Bheeshma, Kirik Party, and Dear Comrade.
Mandanna popularly referred to as the ‘Karnataka Crush’ or ‘South expression’ queen by the Indian media.


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Actress Rashmika Mandanna got her big break in 2014 by participating in a clean and clear fresh face contest. She also received the title of TVC In Lamode Bangalore’s top model hunt. Makers of the film Kirik party caught eyes on her and offered her the lead role in the film. This turns out to be the best thing for Rashmika Mandanna. Things happened quickly after that and in 2018 she made her Telugu film debut with Chalo. She also featured in the romantic comedy Geetha Govindam which became one of the highest gross movies in Telugu cinema.

To start your Rashmika Mandanna movie marathon, we are counting down our picks for the movies of Rashmika Mandanna that made the Indian audience referred her as Karnataka crush. For this list, we are taking a look at those films that show Rashmika Mandanna at its finest.

Kirik Party(2016)

Everything about this movie works, with lightheartedness and excellent humor. The college-based movie has few primary things common -the hero and his friends are backbenchers, rivalry among college students, and hero heroine romance. We can find a resemblance to the on-screen characters. Audience love to watch these type of movies as every person find some of the moments attached to his life. Everybody wants to memorize those college days as we friends who bear some resemblance to the on-screen characters.

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Rashmika Mandanna is vibrant and fresh, and the highlight of the film. In particular the actress is admired for her beautiful facial expressions. Her beautiful and cute portrayal of Saanvi will surely remind all the guys their unforgettable crush from college days. The only reason why I’m ranking it a bit lower here is that, ultimately, the film is good, but it’s not the best showcase of Rashmika Mandanna’s talents as we have seen in recent movies. Rashmika’s performance isn’t bad but it is not good as her other prominent work like in Geetha Govindam.


Is Chalo a great movie? Eh…not really, if I’m being completely honest. But it’s pretty much watchable. The story revolves around the blood-thirsty villagers(known as Telugus and Tamils) . The village is divided by the border of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. The hero tries to end this rivalry that started in 1953 and unites the hearts once and for all. Even though the plot is not quite good the director keeps the audience entertained with comedy scenes that elevate the film completely. Rashmika makes an impressive impression and suits perfectly in her role. If Rashmika has a little bit more scenes the movie could turn onto a love story and the audience would love to watch that.

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This is the first time when we have seen Nani and Nagarjuna together in a film and Director Sriram Adittya must be appreciated for this. This is the first time we see bromance between Nagarjuna and Nani. Both  Actors are quite different from one another in terms of acting performance and when we join two powerhouse action performers we can see the sort of terrific show. Actors manage to make this movie a comedy centered with the hilarious scene which will impress the audience positively.

The story revolves around the doctor who managed to save don life and later it turns into a friendship. Later doctor finds out the real consequences of being friends with the don. Devadas about two people showing each other that life is full of surprises, and it helps them to transform the life of each other. Nani, Nagarjuna, and Rashmika have performed a terrific job in playing their characters. Rashmika has not many scenes but in which she is the audience who has not been able to take eyes from her.


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Dear Comrade(2019)

Dear Comrade is a pretty unique film. It is supposed to be a love story—and yet, it isn’t quite that love story. Dear Comrade is not your Bollywood type story of boy-meets-girl and they fall in love. It’s a journey of two characters- Bobby (Vijay Deverakonda) and Lily (Rashmika Mandanna) discover each other and have nothing in common, draw strength from each other. The #MeToo movement is packaged in a different way. It is a plus point to define the seriousness of this issue. The movie addresses an important message on sexual harassment faced by women in day-to-day work life. Rashmika character is one of the most strong female lead characters of recent times with her terrific performance. The film ends with a note about sexual harassment in our society and how people need to be supportive of the victims.

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Sarileru Neekevvaru(2020)

Sarileru Neekevvaru brings back the old Mahesh Babu. For the last couple of years, He is playing similar roles with minimum disparity and his trademark elements are the same. The movie revolves around an army officer returning from his job and finding himself to solve the problems in society. Director Anil Ravipudi’s Sarileru Neekevvaru provided a proper family entertainer. Mahesh Babu and Rashmika Mandanna comedy timing are too good and chemistry among these characters is one of the best things. By just looking at them we get the feeling that they are the best couple. Mahesh dance in the ‘Mind Block’ song which will be a treat for the audience. He performed supremely well. If you are looking for a family entertainer and also love patriotic movies this is the one you should watch.


After a long time, Nithin does a superb job alongside Rashmika Mandanna. After a gap of one and a half years, Nithin comes up with a film called Bheeshma. Director Venky Kudumula has given Nithin and Rashmika good characters.  He transforms them into completely different characters with comedy, fights, and dances as we haven’t seen them in a long time. The story revolves around Bheeshma (Nithiin), a singleton, whose repeated attempts to fall in love often end on a bad note. When he eventually falls in love with Chaitra (Rashmika Mandanna), his life takes an unexpected turn. Rashmika comedy timing is hilarious. Her dialogue delivers is great with good expressions is the biggest plus point of the film. Bheeshma packs in plenty of laughs and, which works largely because of its original writing and entertainment.

Geetha Govindam(2018)

Rashmika Mandanna’s best movie in her entire career is Geetha Govindam. The audience appreciated this romantic comedy directed by Parasuram. Vijay after playing an alcoholic medical surgeon with anger issues in Arjun Reddy. Now has played the ideal man of every woman’s dream. This was tough but there’s no denying that he can pull off any role with ease. On the other hand, Rashmika performs a headstrong professional who loves her family and has plans about her future. It is one the movie which any person should watch in a lifetime. Despite its flaws, Geetha Govindam is a film that gets most things right associated with its genre.


Best Sunglasses according to face shape

sunglassses according to face shape
sunglassses according to face shape

credit: freepik

Sunglasses are something that provides you function and gives a cool vibe when you wear it on your face. It is a bit of a task to select the best sunglasses for men. sunglass is not only an accessory for fashion but also protects you from harsh ultraviolet radiation from suns, which develops wrinkles and dark circles around your eyes.
Summers are the perfect time to wear sunglasses. Your summer accessories wardrobe is incomplete without perfect sunglasses.


  • Buying Guide to choose the right sunglasses according to face shape.
  • How to style sunglasses?
  • Trending sunglasses in 2020

Perfect sunglasses according to face shape?

If you want to rock sunglasses first thing to consider is perfect shape sunglasses to your face shape. You need a pair of sunglasses for men which contrast your face shape.

Types of face shapes

Don’t overthink in determining your face shape. There may be a lot of them but usually, all are based on four main shapes.

Oval face shape

If you have an oval face shape make sure not to choose sunglasses with round edges. Because you need some more structure to your face. Instead go for rectangular, triangular, or square edges, this will work great for your face shape.

Square face shape

This shape is considered one of the masculine and Manly shape. But if you have this face shape, do you need square sunglasses? The answer is no. Your face is already having too strong edges, there is no need to make it more structured. Sunglasses with soft edges work great for this face shape. Round shape sunglasses work great for square face shape.

Triangular face shape

Triangular is not so common face shape. If you have it. Then you can call yourself lucky. Because you can go with any shape of sunglasses, from round to structured work perfectly fine for this face shape.

Round face shape

One of the most common face shapes from all. This face shape is round and you need to give some structure to it. Always go for sharp edges like rectangular, square if you have this face shape.

How to style sunglasses?

Sunglasses are something that every guy who is not even into fashion must-have in their accessories wardrobe. Because it will protect your eyes and soft skin around it from UV rays, which can be very harmful to your skin if you stay in the sun for a long period of time.

Use functionality over fashion

Yes, this is very important for everyone that, don’t fall for fashion and forget about functionality. Never buy sunglasses that cover your small eyes portion, it will look great but doesn’t provide you any protection. Make sure you buy sunglasses that cover your small eyebrow portion to cheekbones.

Polarised lenses

This is one of the common mistakes lots of men make when they buy sunglasses for summer. Polarised frames provide you protection from UV rays. When you buy cheap glasses they will give you minimum time protection from UV rays and protection will fade away in some time. Make sure when you buy sunglasses it has a sticker on it that says UV protected.

Face width

This is the most important factor in styling the sunglasses perfect on your face. When you buy sunglasses that don’t fit your face it will make you look bad. Never buy sunglasses that are too big or too small for your face. So how to know the perfect width for your face? The fashion magazine GQ says if you buy the sunglasses that are actually the width of your cheekbones, you are in perfect shape.

Match the style

You have to choose the style that matches the situation or occasion. Don’t wear sunglasses indoors, and make sure sunglasses you wear match the occasion and time. Never wear light casual sunglasses to a formal occasion, it will set off the vibe.

Trending sunglasses according to face shape in 2020


These classic shades give more of a formal look. And the bonus point about this is that anybody can rock these. If you are new and don’t know where to start than these should be the first and best choice for you.


This works great for men who have more of a square or triangular face shape. If you have round face shape, you should avoid these sunglasses but for structured face shape, it should be your first priority.

Round Steampunk Sunglasses for Men ( Tony stark glasses)

one of the most popular sunglasses all over the world. These are the best and perfect sunglasses for men who have long face shapes. Round face shapes should avoid these sunglasses because they will make you look more round.

Versace VE2150Q

If you prefer stylish shades, then Versace is VE2150Q is the best option for you in 2020 summer. Versace provides a frame with the metal structure to give that defined look. The only problem with this pair of sunglasses is that it is non polarised. But if you want to wear them for a night occasion, this pair will definitely outstand you from the crowd.


This pair of sunglasses is made by one of the reputed and world-famous fashion producer giant Gucci. Who doesn’t know about Gucci and it’s quality. Gucci products are mainly made in Italy with the marvelous design made specially to be outstanding. Gucci Sylvie provides 100% UV protection with a frame made of plastic. When you wear these pair of sunglasses, it reflects confidence on your face the exact moment, you wear it.


Neo is one of the finest pieces made by one of the icon brand Prada. If you want to go out of the box this is the best option for you. This pair of sunglasses cover a wide area around your eyes and makes you feel safe from UV rays. It comes with 100% UV protection. It complements the high fade cut, beard, or low length stubble.

Warby Parker

If you want to save some cash and want to get functionality with durability than make sure you go with this pair. These sunglasses not only provide 100% UV protection but also anti-scratch protection. Doesn’t it great? If you get any scratch on sunglasses, you can change them by contacting the company.

Lemtosh wood

Lemtosh makes you outstanding from the crowd. It provides a wooden frame. Not only it is good for uniqueness but it also provides comfort when you wear them. It is a way to go for you if you are going to some high professional events. These shades will surely get you a lot of compliments. Lemtosh wood is one of the best sunglasses out there in the market


How to overcome shyness? :10 Ways to Overcome Shyness

how to overcome shyness

Who doesn’t want satisfaction in their life? Well, everyone. There are lots of factors on which we measure satisfaction and one of them is expressing you boldly and clearly. We want a proper balance between our social and personal life. But what about those who have shyness in them.

Shyness is not a bad thing but if it starts letting you down then it’s a point of concern. It is generally seen when facing unfamiliar situations and people. For these people overcoming shyness is an important aspect which they should focus on to get a better living.

But what really is shyness?

In psychological terms, shyness is a lack of comfort. Unnecessary worries, tension, and unable to express yourself are its symptoms. Severe shyness can lead to trigger mental problems and you may then need a therapist. So, it’s better to cure far before it becomes a problem for you.

Causes of Shyness

There are few causes that we can relate to shyness. The first reason is inherited genes which may cause shyness in people. The other reasons are lacking self-confidence and unnecessary worries. Reason can be any but shyness can create a problem in your future if not overcome. With little effort and consistency, it’s a matter of time that shyness is with you.

Effects of Shyness

Don’t compare shyness with introverts. Introverts personality type people are much more into themselves rather than focusing on the outside world. People suffering from extreme shyness may develop mental and social anxiety at some point in their lives. They get scared while interacting with new people and sometimes out of nervousness they start sweating. In most cases their pulse rate increases.

How to overcome shyness

Overcoming shyness is easy until it is taken for granted. Various ways are mentioned below to overcome shyness. Don’t just read it but follow and practice it to full length to make it work for you. What flying teaches you is to overcome fear with knowledge. So fly from shyness.


A way to find a solution to a problem is to get to the root of a problem. Most cases of shyness are due to the traumatic experience they had earlier in their life. The relationship you had can also be one of the reasons for shyness. Examine and find the one that causes your Shyness.

Discuss it with your close ones and try to get it over with it. And don’t make an analysis of your own that you can’t overcome shyness. You might have heard slow and steady wins the race. So, it might take time but will surely bear the fruits.


What triggers shyness? After examining the reasons for shyness start working on the triggers. What is it that makes you feel shy? Is it when you meet new people or is it due when expressing yourself to others or is it when you are sitting in a group.

Some triggers like public speaking are common while some are personal depends on person to person. Triggers that remind you of bad situations are identified as personal triggers. It’s not easy as it sounds but not impossible as well. With continuous efforts you surely find them.

Don’t Disclose

Shyness is not something that everyone needs to know. Disclosing shyness will only bring you more tensions and worries. It’s okay if few people are aware of it i-e your closed ones. Act normal even if you meet the person for the first time or just pass a smile. At first, it might feel unnatural but with time you will get used to it.

In certain circumstances even if you have the zeal to speak about it then discuss it only with your close ones. No stranger has the desire to know about your shyness so it’s better to keep it in a small circle.

Meet Conditions

Once you’re done with the reasons and triggers start putting yourself in situations that cause your shyness. Make a list and accept it as a challenge that you need to pass. Don’t think what others will say or feel about it just focus on yourself and give it a try. Interact with more people; take part in events and discussions to overcome your shyness or social anxiety.

If you are uncomfortable take deep breaths and start it again. Shift your focus from the unnecessary tension to something productive. No doubt it will take time but you adapt it sooner or later.

Analyze Your Strengths

Strengths are the key to problems. Analyze your strengths, and try to apply them to overcome your shyness. Don’t get devastated by thinking that you have no strengths, every person on this earth has strengths and weaknesses.

Focus on your strengths and start using them in your daily life instead of wasting your time on unnecessary worries and tensions. You can also add more strengths to your list by learning new skills and practicing them to the core. Fly from shyness with your strengths.

Avoid Self-Sabotaging

It is observed that most of the time only we are responsible for the worst situations. What we do is start self-sabotaging, so stop doing it. Avoid it as much as you can. Practice meditation and follow a healthy routine to improve your inner strength.

Give importance to what really is helpful instead of demoralizing yourself. Overcoming shyness will take time and effort but it is better for your healthy living.

Learn From Mistakes

What if you make a mistake? Mistakes are common you might even make it after improving your Shyness too. A person learns from these small mistakes. So, focus on the positive aspects of mistakes rather than regretting them. No one is perfect; mistakes are natural in a person’s life, so learn from your mistakes.

Things might go even worse but don’t lose hope instead use these situations to make an advancement in yourself and for your growth.

Gain Knowledge

A great to beat your shyness is to empower yourself with more knowledge. Try to gain more information about overcoming shyness from your role models. Join groups for learning new things and overcoming shyness. Knowledge will not do any bad but will help you grow and get successful.

Seek more and more information about the reasons and the triggers responsible for your shyness. A quite time-consuming task but for whom, only for yourself. Start adapting this information to your daily routine.

Comparison is the Worst Enemy

No one is perfect. So stop this behavior of yours of comparing yourself to others. Comparison is the worst enemy. Comparing numbers is far different from comparing personalities. An individual’s comparison develops negative thoughts and makes the mind full of worries and tensions which eventually will lower your self-esteem.

Remember one thing that every person has their own strengths and weaknesses. Utilize your time on something productive instead of wasting it on the comparison. Avoid it at any cost, it’s better for you only.

Stay Calm And Practice More

It’s wrong to say that you won’t face pressurized situations. No need to worry about this, practice a technique called meditation, and add it to your daily routine. No need to panic, before facing take deep breaths and calm yourself down. While interacting with anyone, a smile also works.

Practice this to length to attain perfection, so that you won’t get panic in the future. Practice, practice, and implementation will surely work in overcoming your shyness.

Engage yourself socially and ask people questions. The experience you had while practicing these techniques will definitely build your confidence and helps in overcoming the most stressful word that you might be hearing since day one i-e SHYNESS.

Follow these techniques regularly to overcome your shyness and then there will be a time when don’t need them anymore.

Read: Self Awareness Practices 


The Best 8 Good Books ever to find Inner Peace

good books
good books

Reading a good book is a nice thought in 2020.2020 has started with challenging situations, to keep up ourselves busy with these ongoing daily stressful changes, a book is a friend in disguise.

Reading is a habit accompanied by mood. Sometimes when we can’t control our inner feelings and strive for real peace, books hold all the answers to your complicated questions.

Reading a book to get close to your loved ones is a good idea. A good book is a guidance partner in every phase of life. To study others’ behavior, Psychology of humans is an important part of reading aspects to lead a fruitful life.

So the list of books to read in 2020 in quarantine, we present the books that can be read taking in your mood choice.

Our list starts with the books to read to find the inner peace you are looking for in the chaotic world full of complexity and race. Whether you read a book on your lap, or find an e-book or may love listening audiobooks, a good book creates a refreshing attitude of learning and understanding.

  1. The Gifts of Imperfection

By Brené Brown

Imperfections make us feel weak, our happiness depends mostly on ourselves,  how we accept, love, respond to our inner self. In this socialistic society where everyone maintains a status to glorify in the world but lacks the inner peace of mind.

This book is a good book to read to fight your inner limits. Enjoy the gifts of life, accept and analyze the qualities that make you unique.

  1. Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill

By Matthieu Ricard

Happiness depends on our internal attitude of dealing with a situation; no external circumstances can affect happiness unless we let them. In this book, the author studies the Buddhist monk and signifies the art of happiness.

Psychology of happiness is about inner peace of mind. In this book, the author provides a simple exercise to train your mind to be happy and focused.

  1. The Wisdom of Insecurity

By Alan Watts

The Wisdom of Insecurity as its title suggests helps us know the boundaries of insecurities we are surrounded by. No one can deny that humans strive to be secure of their emotions, worries, and future.

But what this book describes as security impossible and undesirable. What he says that we cannot escape the worries of coming but we can surely create our moments of the present.

  1. The Gift of Presence

By Caroline Welch

Women play an important part in building the lives of others. But at times fight with demands of family, work and lack the inner peace of mind. This good book to read for women feeling scattered and distracted the author of the book takes its readers to journey a real state of peace.

According to the author, silence is always not your solution to the chaos in your mind. The most important is to practice the mind to be present wherever you are. This book helps us create our inner capacities that will shape our minds to be more resilient.

Presence: the ability to remain present at the moment
Purpose: the meaning to get us going
Pivoting: the ability to open to changes
Pacing: the ability to take life one step at a time

  1. Edge: Turning Adversity into Advantage

By Laura Huang

This book was written by Harvard Business School Professor, not directly link to the principles of a peaceful mind. The reason to add this book to our list is to focus on creating our own edge: a quality to attract attention and support.

How do you find an edge when the obstacles feel insurmountable? How do you get people to take you seriously when they’re predisposed not to, and perhaps have already written you off?

Many of us sit back quietly, hoping that our hard work and effort will speak for itself. We spend our time finding the real definitions of success, underestimating the creativity and charm of our uniqueness.

In Edge, the author that success is more about how we shape others’ perceptions- about ourselves, our strengths and flaws. Edge shows that success is about knowing who you are and using that knowledge unapologetically and strategically. This book will teach you how to find your unique edge and keep it to you and show it at the right time.

  1. You are awesome

By Neil Pasricha

The book written by one of the best TED speakers changes the view about failure and helps to build a resilient attitude.  Let’s just realize how lucky we are that we have almost every solution to the big problems. We have been part of the era with high rates of education, economy, and life.

We have cars, our food at doors, our work, but still lacks in handling the failures of life. When we fall, crack, we are almost shattered apart.  Depression, loneliness has become home to our brains.

What this book actually focuses on is to learn RESILIENCE. Read this book to find your options for failure and the ability to learn and adapt.

  1. Start with Your People

 By Brian Dixon

The most important in healthy living is that you must love what you do. If you have high spirits to create your dreams into reality, the book is recommended is for you.

As the title says Start with your People, to get what you want you to have to unlock yourself and build relationships with people around you. Maybe you dream it, but to fulfill this dream you need helping hands too.

This a good book to read to maximize the success rates of living. To enter a phase of change that will make everything possible in your path of success. Find the best way to deal with difficult people in your life.

Packed with strategic principles, practical tips, and engaging stories, you’ll be able to learn into your place with your team as you move forward with more clarity, motivation, and real confidence.

  1. Self Help

By David Michael King

If you have thoughts and emotions you think others won’t understand, finding difficulties in making more friends?

Do you suffer from being misunderstood because there is a part of you that others don’t see and they think you are too shy or boring or sensitive? Are you having problems finding what you should be doing with your life?

These are natural in the life of an introvert; something pushes them from positive social interactions. Look within the book for exclusive tips and tricks. This book will help you adopt the qualities of an extrovert, to enjoy with people around you rather than avoiding them.

There are some special social norms that people know. Maybe you are unknown to these norms of life. Learn these social rules to become a more refined person.
This Self Help book is a road in becoming a person you have wished for. Small changes may create big movements in a successful life.

Tired of struggling? Ready to take action? Most important, it’s about to make you unstoppable.

Because the truth is, you really are awesome. This life-changing are the good books to reveal that you already hold in your hands the keys to a more harmonious life–you simply need to look within.


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