How Much Protein In 8 oz Chicken Breast

Protein In 8 oz Chicken Breast

8 oz chicken breast protein: Chicken breasts are one of the most popular food options, especially among bodybuilders and people who are on a weight loss journey. This is because Chicken breasts are a rich source of lean protein, and has a great advantage while eating at a weight loss and muscle-building routine.

In addition, people who add chicken breasts to their daily diet plan gain an immense healthy metabolism and also will have more muscular mass. Furthermore, chicken breasts are easily available in any supermarket and are also inexpensive. Thus, it does not create a constraint on the grocery budget of a family.

Due to its high-protein and low-carbohydrate nutrition, this is always included in professional athletes’ diets. On the other hand, you can find Chicken breasts available in most restaurants, and also it’s very easy to cook. If you are thinking of including chicken breast in your diet plan, it’s better to know how much nutrition will be on your plate.

If we are talking about chicken breast, most people buy an 8-ounce chicken breast. This is enough to last a week for a single person on a balanced diet, but a professional athlete consumes an 8-ounce chicken breast in a single day.

Chicken is available in different cuts, including breasts, thighs, wings, and drumsticks. Every cut has a different nutrition value, different calories count, and different protein and fat proportions.

Protein in 8 oz Chicken Breast?

In 8 oz Chicken Breast, the protein is 56 – 61 grams. the protein amount varies on the quality of the chicken, which includes skin thickness.

Protein in 8 oz chicken breast is around 50 grams. After cooking, the 8 ounces of fried or baked chicken breast contains about 70 grams of protein.

However, for an accurate protein count in an uncooked or raw chicken breast, check the product’s nutritional facts when buying it at the supermarket store. The product details are exactly mentioned, including the product level in a chicken breast.

The protein level varies for different brands, as also products, because every chicken has a different skin thickness. The more skin your chicken breast accumulates, the more calories it accompanies.

The total 80% of calories in 8 ounces of chicken breast are due to protein. The remaining 20% of the calories are from fats. An 8-ounce chicken breast offers, Total Fat: of 2.78g, however, it doesn’t offer any Carbohydrates.

Does 8oz Chicken Breast Provide Enough Protein?

The human body protein requirement is different for every person, and the average Adult men need about 56 grams a day while an average adult women need about 46 grams a day (71 grams, if pregnant or breastfeeding). Before diving into, can 8oz chicken breast provide enough protein, let’s check out how much your body needs protein per day.

According to a study conducted by The Dietary Reference Intake [DRI], people require 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight (0.8 grams of protein per kilogram) per day. 

For example, if a person weighs 165 pounds [75 kilograms], the minimum amount of protein required is 60 grams a day.

However, this amount is the minimum threshold of the portion intake required to prevent protein deficiency, but some other factors create hindrances such as fitness level, age, muscle mass, body weight, height, and overall health.

Also, if you are in the muscle-building phase, your body requires additional protein to repair the torn muscles and fibers.

The 8oz Chicken Breast is filled with 56 grams of protein, which is enough for an average person following a sedentary lifestyle. In addition, it’s the perfect food for bodybuilders because of its high protein and low-calorie contents.

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8 Oz Chicken Breast Nutrition Facts

The following nutrition chart is provided by the USDA for one 8-ounce (226g) serving of chicken breast.

Here, check out the nutrition values of an 8 oz chicken breast.

8 oz Raw Chicken Breast Protein Chart

8 oz raw chicken breast protein chart

8 oz Fried Chicken Breast Protein Chart

8 oz fried chicken breast protein chart

8 oz Chicken Breast Protein Chart

8 oz chicken breast protein chart

The following charts describe the nutrition value including protein level in different types[raw, fried, and packed] of 8 oz chicken breast. In the chart, we can see, that the highest calories count is in the fried chicken while the lowest calories count is in 8 oz raw chicken breast. The highest protein in 8 oz chicken breast is 74g in packed chicken breast. However, the protein amount can be changed in different chicken brands, as the skin thickness and muscle mass in chicken causes a slight variation in the protein amount. Although, the protein amount is never below 70g in an 8 oz chicken breast.

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Benefits of chicken breast protein

Chicken breast is low in calories, high in protein, and filled with important nutrients that are required in a healthy balanced diet. As we already know, chicken breast is rich in protein, t supports weight loss, muscle growth, and bone health.

According to studies, increasing the intake of protein levels in your diet, may benefit you in weight loss, build a lean body mass, and also strengthen your bone health.

Health Benefits of Including chicken breast in the diet

Including chicken breast in your diet plan, can offer certain advantages to your health. Let’s check them out.

Builds and Maintains Muscle Mass

Chicken breast is rich in protein and protein is required to build muscle and also maintain the muscle mass of a body. According to studies, the decrease in protein level in the human body shows a significant decrease in muscle mass of the body.

Reduces Appetite

As the chicken breast is low in calories, and fats, but rich in protein it helps reduce food cravings and prevent overeating. According to a study in 2016, for overweight people after following a reduced-calorie diet plan, it showed the people whose diet included more protein had improved food appetite, and also shows more weight loss.

Strengthens Bones

According to research, the bone density in a human body increases after eating animal protein like a chicken breast, as the protein works with calcium to help protect bones. Calcium and protein are necessary to keep the bone stronger and healthy.


The chicken breast consists of amino acids known as tryptophan, which has a specific property of causing relaxation of muscles. According to a study, when a person eats chicken breast, the muscles in the body are released from the tension, and the brain’s serotonin levels are increased. Thus, after eating an 8 oz chicken breast, most people are happy because it releases muscle tension and also it’s delicious.

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8 Oz Chicken Breast Protein Substitute

If you are a began or get bored of eating chicken breast in your diet plan. Although there are soo many food options you can choose from, you have to choose a perfect substitute food, that will contain a similar protein amount as an 8 oz chicken breast.

Plant-based Chicken Breast Substitute

1. Edamame

Edamame beans are immature soybeans harvested before they are fully riped or hardened. These are a perfect alternative to the chicken breast as they are low in calories and one 8 oz cup [226 grams] contains approximately 24. 5 grams of protein. In addition, due to the rich amount of antioxidants, amino acids, and fiber, will help to regulate and lower circulating cholesterol levels. Although the protein is not close compared to chicken breast, for plant-based food, the protein amount is very high.

2. Seitan

Seitan is a plant-based meat substitute made of wheat gluten flour. Seitan is rich in protein and low in calories, fat, and carbohydrates. In a 1/4-cup (28-gram) serving, Seiten accommodates 21 grams of protein and contains all nine essential amino acids. Due to its high protein count, this is the perfect substitute for an 8 oz chicken breast protein.

3. Tempeh

Tempeh is a fermented soybean product, which is a perfect substitute for chicken breast due to its high amounts of protein count, and also includes vitamins and minerals. An 8-ounce (226-gram) serving of tempeh contains 40 grams of protein and 24 grams of fat. In addition, the calories count is 432 calories in 8 oz tempeh which is higher compared to chicken breast with only 246 calories for 8 oz.

4. Tofu

Tofu is condensed soy milk that s popular food among bodybuilders due to its rich protein amount. In 8 oz of tofu, there are approximately 38 grams of protein. In addition, there are only 350 calories in 8 ounces and about 23.5 grams of fats. Thus, it is a perfect substitute for an 8 oz chicken breast protein.

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Meat Substitutes for chicken breast

1. Turkey Breast

Turkey breast is similar in terms of taste, texture, looks, and nutrition to chicken breast. Thus it is the best substitute choice for 8 oz chicken breast protein.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Nutrient Database, 8 ounces or 226 grams (g) of non-enhanced, roasted turkey breast contains:

  • 358 calories
  • 8.66 g of fat
  • 65 g of protein

Similar to chicken breast, there are no carbohydrates and the protein level is quite similar. Also, if you choose dark roasted turkey meat it contains

  • 459 calories
  • 13.63 g of fat
  • 62.55 g of protein

The protein level is less in dark meat as compared to white turkey. However, the similarity in Nutriio between turkey breast and chicken, makes it a suitable alternative.

2. Duck Breast

Duck meat is delicious and nutrient-dense. It is rich in protein, healthy fat, and micronutrients including selenium, iron, and niacin. In a single serving of an 8-ounce duck breast, it contains 55.6 grams of protein similar to chicken breast and 458 calories and total fat of 24.6 grams.

Although the level of calories and fats far exceeds the chicken breast value, duck breast also provides certain health benefits including boosting the Immune System, Protects Bones, and Reduces Heart Disease Risk. Furthermore, you do not have to eat more to complete the protein amount in your diet, as both chicken breast and duck breast have similar protein levels. So, it is a good food option to substitute for chicken breast protein.

3. Chicken Thighs

These can be used as an alternative for chicken breast. Chicken thighs are also called dark meat chicken because it has high fats content and flavors than chicken breast.

In a single serving of an 8 oz chicken thigh, it contains 246 calories, 30 grams of protein, and 24.6 grams of total fats.

Almost 47% of calories in chicken thighs come from fats, and the remaining 53% are from protein. Despite, its low protein level as compared to chicken breast, it can be a perfect substitute, and on a plus side, chicken thigh thighs are more delicious and affordable.

Hi, gurbi is a fashion blogger, designer, and fashion consultant. He is 25 yrs old man who love the world of fashion.