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How to make anyone friends by just talking ?


Today I am going to reveal the secret to make anyone friends by just talking. Socially engagement is a big concern for many in this new world of technology. So, let’s start with it.  

Ways to make anyone friends by just talking

You Are Not Born Socially Handicapped

The first thing you need to understand about yourself is that you are not Born Socially Handicapped.  We, humans, are very social so much in fact that if you take a baby and put him/her in a room full of people and only through mere observation he/ she will learn to speak with time.

No one needs to go to him/her again and again and tell Hey! That’s a car, you don’t have to do any of that.

If you just go through your daily activities the baby is capable of learning your language by pure observation. The above example shows that observation is the key to improve your social life.

Truly speaking, the more you observe the more you will learn about how people react when you talk with them.

With time you will learn how to handle awkward situations with ease.  This is because the human brain is actually extremely good at identifying patterns and rules when it comes to social interactions which are basically what a language is if you think about it. 

Patterns and Rules

It’s not that you are born Socially inactive/Handicapped. The reason your social skills are not that great is simply that you haven’t given your brain enough time to observe interactions and become fluent in all of the patterns and rules.

In short, you lack practice and for the most part, it’s not really your fault. Because if you think about it, in this technological world, we spend the large majority of our behind screen instead of interacting with each other. And It’s only getting worse and worse with every generation. 

Reduce Screen Time

About 7-8 years back the children get smartphones after completion of their secondary education so that they can focus on study and can build their personalities.

But if you see now, it’s much more complicated than it seems to be. Nowadays most kids get their first smartphone before 10 years of age. And we all know that it doesn’t take much skill or practice to accept the friend request or send someone a message.

What we do is simply use emojis to communicate with each other. But it’s really really different from actually talking to someone in real life. 

When you are texting there are hundreds of little components that are invisible, hundreds of little patterns and rules that your brain is not able to observe about the other person.

For example things like their body language, facial expressions, tonality, speed of talking, proximity, eye contact, etc. Let’s discuss them in detail.

Body Language

Body language tells a lot about the person. If you talk to someone via text messages then you don’t know whether he/ she is interested in talking.

One can differentiate and observe between texting and talking to the same person in reality. 

Facial Expressions

Facial expressions say a lot about the current mood of a person and can only be visible if we talk face to face instead of texting.

So, observing facial expressions will help you to get engaged socially.

Eye Contact

The main reason why people feel insecure while talking to someone is that they are unable to make eye contact.

A text message will fade this opportunity of analyzing yourself. You should try to make eye contact every time you talk with someone.

Also, take this as a challenge and spend more time conversing in real rather than texting and observe different people what they do while talking.

Speed of talking

Depending on different situations the speed of talking comes into play. How a person talks and explains their points matters the most in social life.

A pure observation and understanding of rules And patterns will teach you at what speed to have to talk.


At what distance you are speaking will have different combinations of each component like facial expressions, talking speed, etc.

The observation can only be seen in reality instead of texting with emojis. 

social skills 

These are all components that you have to pay attention to when talking to someone in real life. If you wanna make friends.

But Al of these factors is completely missing when you text or message someone in a way, talking to people in real life is a completely different language. 

The reason why your social skills are not that great and why you feel nervous about meeting new people is simply that you haven’t given your brain enough time to properly this language.

The fluency in talking but barely passing talking is because of this. The secret to talking to people was to learn any language is to simply get more practice to interact with people, to give your brain more opportunities to observe and learn the unique patterns and rules of this language. 

By now you get a crate picture of what I’m trying to say and convey to you. Now you might be wondering what it does makes sense but how do I get more practice.

Socially Conscious: Overview   

So, here are some points which you can apply in your life to get a clearer understanding. You can take up challenges to improve your skills.

Basically, you have the capacity to interact with hundred people and it really doesn’t matter how deep their interactions are. Only doing formal hey and then ran away will also be counted as interaction. 

The majority of actions during this challenge involve asking people for directions while pretending that your phone died and you lost. Although these interactions seem very simple on surface-level eventually you will find yourself transitioning into deeper conversations. And thus lead to a whole lot of practice to brains. And you will see a pretty significant boost in your social skills by the time challenge is completed/over.

For more watch videos because it will really be helpful to watch others doing. With practice, you will eventually learn the patterns and rules of what is inappropriate and appropriate. And automatically develop a clear understanding of how to get socially involved.


The Principles of Rich Dad and Poor Dad

rich dad poor dad book

Books are great to understand what our real life is meant for. books let us realize our surroundings, the people around, their behavior and actions. Today we are taking a deep insight into what made us read this book? What is different in this book that attracts us? We have always seen our dad be careful in lives and careers. Teaching about good career options, study, and job.

In Rich Dad Poor Dad: We must be thinking of the story of a rich person and a poor person. But wait for the book is more than that. Why the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer? It is because their dad teaches hem the value of money, job, and career.

But no one gave the advice to become rich. Are you frustrated with listening to old thoughts of working hard for money? Are you in a need of a better working and productive life? Who to consult? What to do?

This book by Robert Kiyosaki answers all the questions we need to be answered to. We comprise this book in three sentences:

  1. The perspective of becoming rich by author two dads: his real father(poor dad) and dad of his friend(rich dad).
  2. A high income cannot make you rich
  3. Poor work for money, rich make money work for them.

I came around this book because I was tired of the outdated mantra ” Go to school, go to college, get a job, play it safe.” Life is getting boring playing it safe. Working hard and hard but still, the satisfaction and wealth is far away. We have been taught about math, logic, science, personality development in our schools and colleges but the topic of financial education is not yet invented in the system. Rich Dad Poor Dad was a turning point. Becoming rich is not about earning a high income. It is more about the strong financial management. This bestselling book is the starting point for anyone looking to gain control of their financial future. The most important lessons from the book include:

  • The Rich don’t work for money
  • Why teach financial literacy?
  • Mind your own business
  • The Rich invent money
  • Work to Learn- Don’t work for money

In the very first lesson of Rich Dad Poor Dad, we come to know how people in real lives see the world. How rich people analyze the situation and at the same time poor complaints about being poor. The two fathers of the author will help understand the difference in a much clear way.

Poor Dad: The love of money is the root of all evil.

Rich Dad: The lack of money is the root of all evil.

Poor Dad: I can’t afford it.

Rich Dad: How I can afford it?

Poor Dad: Study hard to get a good company to work for

Rich Dad: Study hard so you find a good company to buy.

Poor Dad: When it comes to money, play it safe.

Rich Dad: Learn to manage risks. Catch up with the author’s real questions about life. Choose what is important and what is not. Rich people don’t work to get money but work to money work for them.

Why Teach financial literacy?

one of the reasons rich get richer, the poor poorer, and middle-class struggles in debt are that the subject of money is taught at home, not in school. The chapter of financial literacy is very important because “It’s not how much money you make. It’s how much money you keep.” Assets and liabilities are the two pillars of our financial life. Rich acquire assets and poor liabilities. understand the concept of assets and liability. Assets put money in our pocket and liabilities take money out of pocket. Diagram Note: A person can be highly educated, professionally successful and financially illiterate. Choose wisely your assets.

Mind Your own Business

Focus on assets column while everyone else focuses on their income statement. Keep your daytime job, but start buying real assets, not liabilities. This statement captures all my attention and focuses on building assets in my free time so that it earns for the rest of my life. In another way, start investing in businesses that do not require your presence. If you have to work there, it’s not a business. It becomes your job.

The Rich invent money

” Often in the real world it is not the smart who get ahead, but the bold.” The biggest and powerful asset we have is our mind, train it to create enormous wealth. So why develop financial genius? You can now answer that? Train your mind to work with people moving boldly forward, not with those left behind. Develop these three skills recommended by the rich to invent money:

  • Find an opportunity that everyone else missed
  • Raise money
  • Organize smart people

Work to learn: Don’t work for money

The author says, “Job security meant everything to my educated dad. Learning meant everything to my rich dad.”What the above title demonstrates is that most people focus on one skill that would pay them, but they need to master more skills and their income would jump exponentially. This lesson helped a lot in shaping my career, taught me to expand and explore new skills, to earn and perform better.

To end with financial literacy there is one more management skill we need to master. ” Managing your fear”. Why we don’t win financially, is because the pain of losing money is far greater than the joy of being rich. Believe the power of ” Give, and you shall receive”. Give your precious time in developing your surroundings, skills, and things that are assets. Spend wisely for your betterment. So, learn what you lack now. Save what you need then.

The answer to my question “What made me read Rich Dad Poor Dad” is that read it for financial education to manage your life and fulfill your dreams.

Read also :

5 Best Psychology Books to Know Yourself better

8 Principles of “Think and Grow Rich” that Govern your Life

Think and grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich” written by Napoleon Hill. Hill was an American author who always loved the topics of development. He wrote self-development books that inspired people all over the world. This book date back to the times of the Great Depression but the ideas and rules apply even today. As the title in itself Think and Grow Rich, inspire people to how to get rich and successful. The author studied the workings of rich people and combined all their results in his book, “Think and Grow Rich”. So let’s discuss the principles of becoming rich from the book.

Think and Grow Rich

1.Difference between Wish and Desire

Hill spends a great deal of the book explaining desire. He tries to differentiate between the much similar wish and burning desire to have want you wish. According to him, the burning desire is truly wanting something and hard work, and that will make it achievable. Your burning desire for something creates a picture of what you will become. Your desire has to be a burning desire, when you make a decision to attain your desire, you should leave everything that comes in your way as an obstacle to your goal.


Desire is accomplished by faith. If you have the faith in becoming rich you become rich. If any doubts persist, the chances are you lose the desire to reach those heights. Negative thoughts, doubts, the feeling of hatred can destroy your belief. You have to regularly keep on pushing yourself to believe in yourself and in your dreams.


Whatever the niche you choose to work in, work like successful people. Successful and rich people have always specialized in their field. Knowledge and experience teach the reason and importance of having a field. And you should aim to become an expert in whatever field you choose.


Imagination shapes create new ideas and knowledge to make them a reality. Knowledge and imagination create extremely powerful combinations to give you new wings. Develop the power of self-motivation, innovation through imagination.

5.Organized planning

Without proper solid planning, imagination is worthless. Planning the amount of time, hard work you need to do, learning you require to achieve the amount you have fixed you will surely earn is what the author describes as organized planning.


Becoming a leader benefits more than becoming a follower. But to start as a follower and learning leadership is what successful people have always followed the path to growth.

7.Decision making

Decision making is the quality of becoming a leader. Hill emphasizes that a leader knows the right time to the right decision. Realizing the power of choice will lead to the road of success. Most of the time we take too long to make decisions in life,  successful people also at first take the time to make a decision, but now they have mastered making it quick.

8.Never give up

Failure is inevitable, to achieve goals might take that long you are not prepared to wait for. Persistence gives a perspective to keep moving on that road not taken. Persistence is the direct result in making a habit.

Final Thought

It takes time to form the changes which will cause your success, but once you’ve followed these steps you’ll be headed within the right direction (as the book suggests).

  • Write your statement of desire (SOD) & Repeat it Twice with faith that it can happen.
  • Seek out the resources you’ll need, and save them. Continually increase this vault of data , as you discover them.
  • Plan time once every week to quietly ponder problems you’re facing, plan to use your creativity and knowledge to form decisions quickly and adjust your plans as required .
  • Plan time for weekly reflection, answering the subsequent questions:
  • Am I using my Mastermind effectively?
  • Have I been creative and actively seeking knowledge as required to form decisions and plan accordingly?
  • Am I persistently chasing my success, is my desire burning, or am I dalliance and avoiding it?
  • Am I repeating my SOD a day, twice each day, with faith for autosuggestion?

It’s intriguing, and a touch odd, to know the author’s and his research participants’ ideas of being successful. Certain aspects add up, while others seem outlandish and quirky. But, to urge different leads to life, we should try to do something different. See also:

5 Best Psychology Books to Know Yourself better

Bill Gates Recommended books for Holiday Season


How to become confident? – Useful tips

how to be confident
how to be confident

Confidence is more of an inside game but it does leave a clue & that’s what we are going to be looking for. How do get confidence and how do you display it to other people. Starting with the first and foremost reason for the lack of confidence is superstition.

It does create fear and confusion in the minds of people.

How to become confident

Psychology plays a great role in determining the confidence of a person. But today we are here to tell you only about the basics of developing confidence.

Absolute Certainty

How can you develop a sense of absolute certainty that will help you in achieving your goals? The most important foundation of peace is relevant experience. Let’s understand it with an example if you have given 20 presentations then you are much more comfortable than when you gave your first.

That is what relevant experience is, meaning something successfully done in the past will definitely go that way only if you go for it again. Another example is of famous fighter Caron McGregor who for no reason at all just came up and seem to believe that he is gonna be great when he had no reason to.


Invest in something that works for you and makes you different from others. Possible only if you keep focus instead of wandering around.

The main point is that you should focus on the things that are under your control or you have control over. Confident people often make plans and strategies against the person to look for them. Making a 100% certainty to not go out on the things that they can’t control.


Visualization is the step where you get a taste of the relevant experience. It helps to gain relevant experience for the first time without actually doing it. Because the truth is that you might only get one chance in that big project that you will do.

Making space for relevant experience in your head. It’s about how you see things about yourself. The confident people make a mental image in their minds that they are the no. one in their field. In actuality, making visuals of the struggles that they have to go through to achieve any designation or an award. It’s all about getting up from the ground and overcome that challenge.

But most people, see things without realizing it and see things going terribly. We actually imagine things could go wrong & play these scenes over and over again in our head and almost guarantee that it will happen.

In reality, this is about actively engaging your own imagination to practice experience. The main problem is that our nervous system can’t differentiate between the experience we have in the real world and the experience that we vividly imagine.

Make a habit to use this to your own advantage. Go through and see the specific and concrete challenges that are coming in your way.

Henceforth, all the visualization in the world will not help if you can’t execute the basic mechanic of what you are trying to be confident in. So follow these steps to get a better picture of the world. And yourself, most importantly the confidence that you have to built-in yourself.

The Best 7 Horror Movies of 2019

The horror genre is the most profitable genre is also one of the most exciting vessels for filmmaking talent, a means of entertaining and terrifying audiences while tricking them into thinking deeply about the world around them.so here is a list of the 7 Best Horror Movies of 2019

1.Ready Or Not

A Black Comedy Horror movie with the comedy fading at times due to the brutality of the killings. Grace is marrying into a wealthy family. To survive the night she must hide from midnight until dawn while her new in-laws hunt her down with guns, crossbows and other weapons.


The countdown is a horror movie released on 25 October 2019 about an app that predicts the exact moment of a user’s death. Countdown doesn’t really even discuss the idea of whether we as humans would want to know the exact time of our own death.

3.The Prodigy

TheProdigy is a horror movie about a mother concerned about her young son’s behavior and is horrified to learn that her beloved prodigy may be under the grip of a dark and supernatural force. Fearing for her family’s safety, Sarah must choose between her maternal instinct to love and protect Miles which takes the audience on a wild ride.

4.One Cut for the Dead

One Cut for the Dead, a horror-comedy released on 24 September 2019 that proves there’s somewhere the zombie apocalypse movie hasn’t yet gone. A film crew shooting a low budget zombie movie in an abandoned WWII Japanese facility turns into traumatic when they are attacked by real zombies.


Depraved is a 2019 American horror film directed by Larry Fessenden and released on 13 September 2019. Depraved is a horror movie that jolts a familiar monster back to life by a disillusioned field surgeon suffering from PTSD makes a man out of body parts and bring him to life.

6.Little Monsters

Little Monsters is a zombie comedy film directed by Abe Forsythe released on 11 October 2019. A  Classic zombie apocalypse in a small town led by a washed-up musician team up with a teacher and kids show personality to protect young children.

7. Annabelle Comes Home

Annabelle Comes Home is a textbook scare-fest that delivers on its promise to haunt, without being complicated or preachy about Gods and demons. The movies follow a story of a teenager and her friend unknowingly awaken an evil spirit trapped in a doll While babysitting the daughter of Ed and Lorraine Warren.

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5 Best Psychology Books to Know Yourself better

Today we’re talking about psychology books that will serve as a motivation for you to understand yourself better but also those around you. Why we have come up with self-enhancing books has a reason?.

In every phase of our life we counter people situations we find difficult to deal with, we lose to them. It happens because we get influenced by their overpower arguments.  In order to deal with people, you must first know yourself and your power.

Here, we have listed 5 books that will make you better all around you.

1. “What Everybody is Saying” By Joe Navarro

what everybody is saying

The title of the book is catchy and arouse curiosity in itself. This is a book covering the human body language and as it is very important because most of human communication is actually non-verbal. Joe Navarro talks about all these unique tips that you can use to read people from across the room or even someone you’re interacting with.

You can even read the smallest body parts, eyelids, cheeks, fingers and learn how people feel and react. This book changes our observation about what is going on in each situation without even needing hearing what people are saying.

The entire body gives us a better picture than just the face. Joe in his book gives simple tips to change your posture to allow you to express authority, to build trust with somebody else. Highly recommended for everyone to be more confident in life.

2.”Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” By Robert Cialdini


Books on Influence is an interesting subject to read. Not because it is about to manipulate someone. 

Manipulation by definition is a skillful way to influence somebody to agree on something you want. In everyday life, we not only need to be very good at influencing our best choices in a way not to discourage anyone.

One of the concepts this book breaks down about is known as the contrast principle. Also, this book identifies six ways that people are consistently, unsuspectingly, and (often) automatically persuaded. And you can use these to apply in your life to be more persuasive and identify the ones using against you.

3. “The Influential Mind” By Tali Sharot

the influential mind

The Influential Mind is about influencing those around us and how understanding the brain helps the changes in our surroundings. Most people are influenced by emotions rather than facts and figures.

When somebody starts talking to your primitive brain, they do a much better job at influencing your thoughts and even actions. When your mind is stressed, it’s much more easily influenced. How to get the right influence at the right time is what this book covers all about.

The real gem in this psychology book is that it teaches you how to communicate with somebody that disagrees with you. The way you do that is you establish a new concept that doesn’t necessarily disagree with their viewpoint but does agree with yours.

4. “Public Speaking for Success” By Dale Carnegie

public speaking

We all need to improve how we speak in public. To be an effective communicator, to share your story, to influence people, to be a better person yourself, you need to be a better public speaker.

Dale Carnegie in his book gives very simple steps that anyone can follow to be a better public speaker. One of the steps is the idea of verbalizing your speech before even doing it.

He talks about really great speakers, how they presented their speeches, what words they used, why certain speeches were more effective than others and that is the best way in order to communicate your ideas.

5. “Flow: The psychology of optimal experience” By Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi


This book is basically about happiness. It is referred to as positive psychology in psychology. We almost in every field of life discuss negative aspects. Why are losing positivity in our lives?  “Flow”  is about that when you’re playing football when you’re trekking you’re putting in a lot of effort, when we put an effort, it’s done so in order to get something in return.

When we get a return for our efforts it’s a very self-fulfilling authentic happiness that you feel. Flow explains that in order to feel happiness, to get in that intrinsic joy in life you constantly need to set these little achievable and meaningful goals for yourself.

Psychology books teach us what we know but couldn’t apply the changes at the right time in situations.

So we end up here. Good Luck Reading!

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