Full body HIIT workout with weights

Full body HIIT workout with weights

Full body HIIT workout with weightsTo begin your full body HIIT workout with weights, the selection of weight is as important as the type of exercise you’ll be doing. In this article, you have the option to choose a full 30- a day full body HIIT workout with weights or can choose a single day full body HIIT training with professorial athletes.

Weight Selection for HIIT Workout

The weight for your exercise should be 50% of what you could normally do. HIIT exercise with a perfect weight creates more muscle tension and will result in better results. 

By going heavyweight in your HIIT exercises, you’ll be unable to perform a complete set of 10 reps.  If you are ever stuck on a rep like on your Seventh rep, drop down the weight by 5-10 pounds. This will help you complete your entire set. The next time you train that muscle, begin with 5-10 pounds less than your previous exercise session. 

There is no definite weight distribution, as the HIIT workout program depends on the limit of the person. Thus, the weight varies for each person. 


For selecting an accurate weight for your HIIT workout, you need to set up your 10 RM weight. 10 RM represents the maximum weight, you can lift or exercise, and complete 10 reps on your own. 

HIIT Ratio [ Training period and Recovery Period]

HIIT workout involves short bursts of high-intensity exercise paired with a low recovery period. This is what makes this a time-efficient workout regime of the 21st Century. 

HIIT workout ratio is the time spent to do exercise and the time period between exercise for recovery. Also known as work to recovery HIIT ratio. 

To elaborate, when you exercise for one minute and take a time gap of one minute for recovery, it leads to your HIIT workout ratio to 1-to-1.

The HIIT workout ratio is different for beginners and advanced lifters. 

When starting a HIIT workout program, it is important to create a 1-to-3 work to recovery ratio. With this, you’ll be working at an intense training level, and also have enough recovery time for your next exercise. Gradually, you could change your HIIT workout ratio to 1-to-2 and at the final level, the HIIT workout ratio will be 1-to-1.

When you dive into the fitness world, it is important to know that recovery time is as crucial as exercise time. By choosing a longer resting period between exercises, you can push your body muscles to their max capacity in every exercise. 

We recommend using HIIT ratios with longer recovery phases than work phases. For example, a 1-to-3 work-to-recovery ratio is a good starting point. 

As your fitness level improves with your HIIT workout program, you can increase the work-to-recovery ratio, and probably aim for a higher exercise routine than resting time between exercises. 

Rapid Fat Loss And Muscle Gain In Few Weeks

HIIT workout is popular for its impressive and rapid fat loss in just a few weeks. The impressive part of doing the HIIT workout program is that you will be using the lighter weight in comparison to your previous training routine. But still, your body will shed pounds faster than it can, and at the same time, you could see the signs of your muscle growth. 

Benefits of full body HIIT workout with weights

Generally, people who are not familiar with the HIIT workout, tend to begin their HIIT program journey without weights. As their fitness boost, the real HIIT workout starts with weights. 

Primary benefits of doing a HIIT workout routine with weights:

Time Efficient: HIIT workout routine only takes about 30-45 minutes. If you are doing a HIIT workout without weights, you can do it at any place at any time. 

Rapid Fat Loss: HIIT workout burns 30% more calories in 30 minutes when compared to running, weight training, and cycling. 

According to a study conducted, performing HIIT workout three times per week for 20 minutes per session lost 4.4 pounds, or 2 kgs, of body fat in 12 weeks – without any dietary changes. 

Additionally, there was a 17% reduction in visceral fat, or the disease-promoting fat surrounding your internal organs.

To reduce the amount of fat, in a short span of time is impossible with any type of exercise. 

Muscle Gain

By including weights in your HIIT workout routine, you’ll be mixing your weight training and high-intensity workout training. When both are in effect, you will have a significant growth in muscle. However, without weights, it’s hard for the body to gain muscles. So, if you want to gain muscle with your HIIT workout program, you have to include weights too. 

Endurance Training

Weights used in your HIIT workout are lightweight. But when you are constantly working out a single muscle at high intensity, your muscle shows signs of growth. This pushed the muscle fatigue to a different level, and you are going to experience this on the first day of your full body HIIT workout program. Your stamina and endurance will be off the charts in just 30 days by following the Full body HIIT workout. 

Post HIIT workout program

Even if you go back to your old working-out routine and leave the full-body HIIT workout, your body will show some improvement signs. 

The first you’ll notice is the recovery time between sets. Your recovery time between sets will be quicker, and thus you can lift more weight and reps without losing muscle strength. 


* On the last set of your HIIT workout, do a drop set of any exercise, without any weight and perform as many reps as your body allows until failure. 

^ Despite using lightweight as a comparison to your regular training session, you are trying your body at a high intensity. In the end, you’ll be using your body to its maximum level, for almost 30 days. 

  • Checkout every week rest period, as after every week there is a slight change in rest interval between sets. 
  • Take a close look at the weight capacity you are going to lift every week per exercise, for your full body HIIT workout. 
  • No rest time between arms exercise. Perform alternate arms without a rest period until all three sets are complete. 

Beginners Full Body HIIT workout For Females: MarC: 30 Minutes

For beginners, this HIIT workout they should go for. This workout includes exercise, where you are not going to use weights, and in other exercises, you need the weights. It’s the perfect mixture of exercises for beginners. 

MarC is a professional lifter with an amazing physique. For this HIIT workout, you’ll need a gym ball and a set of dumbells. 

To choose the weight of the dumbells, 

First: The Maximum weight you can 10 reps. 

Second: Now take 50% of the weight for your full body HIIT workout. 

To increase the weight in your workout, you should take about 2 weeks. After that increase the weights to 60-70%. 

This HIIT workout will keep your heart rate up, lose the additional fat, and strengthen your muscles. 

Duration: 30 minutes

Equipment: Some weights needed

Full Body HIIT workout with dumbbells: Melissa Mussington: 28 Minutes

To increase flexibility and strengthen your muscles, perform this 30 minutes Full body HIIT workout with weights for women. 

Through the workout, Melissa performs a series of exercises which are distributed in two circuits. And each circuit consists of three exercises. 

Make sure to perform a warm-up before beginning this workout. 

Duration: 30 minutes

Equipment: Dumbbells

No-Repetition Full Body HIIT workout with weights: Heather Robertson: 30 Minutes

If you get bored easily by doing the same moves, this 30 minute HIIT workout is for you. Heather performs 30 moves inc2/ 30 minutes, which makes this a non-repetition workout. After each exercise, there is a 20 seconds break. The short time period will help you achieve the quicker result that you are hoping for. 

Although, the short time period can create difficulties for beginners. Thus, beginners should focus on choosing another Full body HIIT workout with more recovery time. After a certain time, their body will have the strength to complete this HIIT workout. 

Duration: 30 minutes

Equipment: 5lb, 10lb, and 25lb set of dumbbells

30 Days Full body HIIT workout with weights 


Exercise Weight Sets-Reps Rest [Begienner] Rest[Advanced]
Bench Press 50% -10RM 3-10 180 sec 60 sec
Dumbbell Incline Press 50%- 10RM 3-10 180 sec 60 sec
Cable Crossover 50%-15RM 3-10 180 sec 60 sec
Wide-Grip Pulldown 50%-10RM 3-10 180 sec 60 sec
Barbell Bentover Row 50%-10RM 3-10 180 sec 60 sec
Straight-Arm Pulldown 50%-15RM 2-10 180 sec 60 sec
Reverse Crunch Bodyweight 3-Failure 180 sec 60 sec
Dumbbell Side Bend 50%-15RM 3-15 180 sec 60 sec
Plank Bodyweight 3- Failure 180 sec 60 sec


Exercise Weight Sets-Reps Rest [Begienner] Rest[Advanced]
Squat 50% -10RM 3-10 180 sec 60 sec
Leg Press 50% -10RM 3-10 180 sec 60 sec
Leg Extension 50% -10RM 3-10 180 sec 60 sec
Leg Curl 50% -10RM 3-10 180 sec 60 sec
Triceps Pressdown 50% -10RM 3-10 180 sec 60 sec
Lying Triceps Extension 50% -10RM 3-10 180 sec 60 sec
Standing Calf Raise Bodyweight 3-Failure 180 sec 60 sec
Seated Calf Raise Bodyweight 3-Failure 180 sec 60 sec
Single-Leg Calf Raises Bodyweight 3-Failure 180 sec 60 sec


Exercise Weight Sets-Reps Rest [Begienner] Rest[Advanced]
Barbell Overhead Shoulder Press 50% -10RM 3-10 180 sec 60 sec
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 50% -10RM 3-10 180 sec 60 sec
Dumbbell Rear-Delt Raise 50% -10RM 3-10 180 sec 60 sec
Barbell Shrugs 50% -10RM 3-10 180 sec 60 sec
Dumbbell Curl 50% -10RM 3-10 180 sec 60 sec
Incline Dumbbell Shrug 50% -10RM 3-10 180 sec 60 sec
Hammer Curl 50% -10RM 3-10 180 sec 60 sec
Dumbbell Wrist Flexion 50% -10RM 3-10 180 sec 60 sec
Reverse Curl 50% -10RM 3-10 180 sec 60 sec


Exercise Weight Sets-Reps Rest [Begienner] Rest[Advanced]
Bench Press 60%-70% -10RM 3-10 150 sec 45 sec
Dumbbell Incline Press 60%-70% -10RM 3-10 150 sec 45 sec
Cable Crossover 60%-70% -15RM 3-10 150 sec 45 sec
Wide-Grip Pulldown 60%-70% -10RM 3-10 150 sec 45 sec
Barbell Bentover Row 60%-70% -10RM 3-10 150 sec 45 sec
Straight-Arm Pulldown 60%-70% -105RM 2-10 150 sec 45 sec
Reverse Crunch Bodyweight 3-Failure 150 sec 45 sec
Dumbbell Side Bend 60%-70% -15RM 3-15 150 sec 45 sec
Plank Bodyweight 3- Failure 150 sec 45 sec


Exercise Weight Sets-Reps Rest [Begienner] Rest[Advanced]
Squat 60%-70% -10RM 3-10 150 sec 45 sec
Leg Press 60%-70% -10RM 3-10 150 sec 45 sec
Leg Extension 60%-70% -10RM 3-10 150 sec 45 sec
Leg Curl 60%-70% -10RM 3-10 150 sec 45 sec
Triceps Pressdown 60%-70% -10RM 3-10 150 sec 45 sec
Lying Triceps Extension 60%-70% -10RM 3-10 150 sec 45 sec
Standing Calf Raise Bodyweight 3-Failure 150 sec 45 sec
Seated Calf Raise Bodyweight 3-Failure 150 sec 45 sec
Single-Leg Calf Raises Bodyweight 3-Failure 150 sec 45 sec


Exercise Weight Sets-Reps Rest [Begienner] Rest[Advanced]
Barbell Overhead Shoulder Press 60%-70% -10RM 3-10 150 sec 45 sec
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 60%-70% -10RM 3-10 150 sec 45 sec
Dumbbell Rear-Delt Raise 60%-70% -10RM 3-10 150 sec 45 sec
Barbell Shrugs 60%-70% -10RM 3-10 150 sec 45 sec
Dumbbell Curl 50% -10RM 3-10 150 sec 45 sec
Incline Dumbbell Shrug 60%-70% -10RM 3-10 150 sec 45 sec
Hammer Curl 60%-70% -10RM 3-10 150 sec 45 sec
Dumbbell Wrist Flexion 60%-70% -10RM 3-10 150 sec 45 sec
Reverse Curl 60%-70% -10RM 3-10 150 sec 45 sec


Exercise Weight Sets-Reps Rest [Begienner] Rest[Advanced]
Bench Press 80% -10RM 3-10 120 sec 30 sec
Dumbbell Incline Press 80%- 10RM 3-10 120 sec 30 sec
Cable Crossover 80%-15RM 3-10 120 sec 30 sec
Wide-Grip Pulldown 80%-10RM 3-10 120 sec 30 sec
Barbell Bentover Row 80%-10RM 3-10 120 sec 30 sec
Straight-Arm Pulldown 80%-15RM 2-10 120 sec 30 sec
Reverse Crunch Bodyweight 3-Failure 120 sec 30 sec
Dumbbell Side Bend 50%-15RM 3-15 120 sec 30 sec
Plank Bodyweight 3- Failure 120 sec 30 sec


Exercise Weight Sets-Reps Rest [Begienner] Rest[Advanced]
Squat 80% -10RM 3-10 120 sec 30 sec
Leg Press 80% -10RM 3-10 120 sec 30 sec
Leg Extension 80% -10RM 3-10 120 sec 30 sec
Leg Curl 80% -10RM 3-10 120 sec 30 sec
Triceps Pressdown 80% -10RM 3-10 120 sec 30 sec
Lying Triceps Extension 80% -10RM 3-10 120 sec 30 sec
Standing Calf Raise Bodyweight 3-Failure 120 sec 30 sec
Seated Calf Raise Bodyweight 3-Failure 120 sec 30 sec
Single-Leg Calf Raises Bodyweight 3-Failure 120 sec 30 sec


Exercise Weight Sets-Reps Rest [Begienner] Rest[Advanced]
Barbell Overhead Shoulder Press 80% -10RM 3-10 120 sec 30 sec
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 80% -10RM 3-10 120 sec 30 sec
Dumbbell Rear-Delt Raise 80% -10RM 3-10 120 sec 30 sec
Barbell Shrugs 80% -10RM 3-10 120 sec 30 sec
Dumbbell Curl 80% -10RM 3-10 120 sec 30 sec
Incline Dumbbell Shrug 80% -10RM 3-10 120 sec 30 sec
Hammer Curl 80% -10RM 3-10 120 sec 30 sec
Dumbbell Wrist Flexion 80% -10RM 3-10 120 sec 30 sec
Reverse Curl 80% -10RM 3-10 120 sec 30 sec


Exercise Weight Sets-Reps Rest [Begienner] Rest[Advanced]
Bench Press 50% -10RM 3-10 90 sec 15 sec
Dumbbell Incline Press 50%- 10RM 3-10 90 sec 15 sec
Cable Crossover 50%-15RM 3-10 90 sec 15 sec
Wide-Grip Pulldown 90%-10RM 3-10 90 sec 15 sec
Barbell Bentover Row 90%-10RM 3-10 90 sec 15 sec
Straight-Arm Pulldown 90%-15RM 2-10 90 sec 15 sec
Reverse Crunch Bodyweight 3-Failure 90 sec 15 sec
Dumbbell Side Bend 90%-15RM 3-15 90 sec 15 sec
Plank Bodyweight 3- Failure 90 sec 15 sec


Exercise Weight Sets-Reps Rest [Begienner] Rest[Advanced]
Squat 90% -10RM 3-10 90 sec 15 sec
Leg Press 90% -10RM 3-10 90 sec 15 sec
Leg Extension 90% -10RM 3-10 90 sec 15 sec
Leg Curl 90% -10RM 3-10 90 sec 15 sec
Triceps Pressdown 90% -10RM 3-10 90 sec 15 sec
Lying Triceps Extension 90% -10RM 3-10 90 sec 15 sec
Standing Calf Raise Bodyweight 3-Failure 90 sec 15 sec
Seated Calf Raise Bodyweight 3-Failure 90 sec 15 sec
Single-Leg Calf Raises Bodyweight 3-Failure 90 sec 15 sec


Exercise Weight Sets-Reps Rest [Begienner] Rest[Advanced]
Barbell Overhead Shoulder Press 90% -10RM 3-10 90 sec 15 sec
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 90% -10RM 3-10 90 sec 15 sec
Dumbbell Rear-Delt Raise 90% -10RM 3-10 90 sec 15 sec
Barbell Shrugs 90% -10RM 3-10 90 sec 15 sec
Dumbbell Curl 90% -10RM 3-10 90 sec 15 sec
Incline Dumbbell Shrug 90% -10RM 3-10 90 sec 15 sec
Hammer Curl 90% -10RM 3-10 90 sec 15 sec
Dumbbell Wrist Flexion 90% -10RM 3-10 90 sec 15 sec
Reverse Curl 90% -10RM 3-10 90 sec 15 sec


Hi, gurbi is a fashion blogger, designer, and fashion consultant. He is 25 yrs old man who love the world of fashion.