Average Hip Thrust For Male And Female

average hip thrust

Average Hip Thrust Weight: How much hip thrust should I lift and what is an average hip thrust other people lift are the two fundamental questions, every person wants to know, when he/she is training their glutes.

Hip thrusts are a great exercise to tone and strengthen your glute muscles, however, similar to any other big exercise like a deadlift, bench press, squats, or leg press, there is a limit on how much can you lift at different fitness levels. For example, a beginner who weighs 150 pounds has difficulty lifting 150 pounds deadlift, but an advanced lifter can easily lift 150 lbs when only weighing about 140 pounds.

So if you are wondering what is the average hip thrust weight, you can lift according to your body weight, keep reading below.

In this article, we have also discussed the average hip thrust weight for males and females, of different age groups and different body weights.


Average Hip Thrust Weight Female

The average hip thrust weight is different from woman to woman, although it is very common for women to use weights in the range of 50-100 pounds for hip thrusts,

On average the hip thrust for females is 40 -55  lbs at the beginners level, 55 – 120 lbs at the intermediate level, 120 – 180 lbs at an advanced level, and 180 – 280 lbs at the elite level. 

In general, women who have been consistently training in the hip thrust exercise and are in good physical condition may be able to perform hip thrusts with more weight than those who are less trained or in poor physical condition. It is important to note that the weight used for hip thrusts should be appropriate for the individual’s strength and ability level.

The table below shows the strength level for females in comparison to how much-weighted hip thrust can they perform.

Fitness Level Female( lbs) 
Elite 2.5 * Bodyweight
Above Advance Level 2 * Bodyweight
Advance Level 1.5 * Bodyweight
Intermediate Level 1 * Bodyweight
Beginner Level 0.5 * Bodyweight
Novice 0.25 * Bodyweight


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Average Hip Thrust Weight Male

The average hip thrust varies from person to person, as the hip thrust weight a person can list is a direct correlation to his body weight and his fitness level.

On average hip thrust weight for males is 70 – 185 lbs at the beginners level, 185 -250 lbs at an intermediate level, 250 – 350 lbs at an advanced level, and 350 – 500 lbs at an elite level.

However, other factors affect how much you can lift during your hip thrust exercise, like an individual’s age, training history, and overall physical condition. In general, men who have been consistently training in the hip thrust exercise and are in good physical condition may be able to perform hip thrusts with more weight than those who are less qualified or in poor physical condition. 

The table below shows a male fitness level in comparison to weighted hip thrust. 

Fitness Level Men( lbs) 
Elite 3* Bodyweight
Above Advance Level 2.5 *Bodyweight
Advance Level 2 * Bodyweight
Intermediate Level 1.5 * Bodyweight
Beginner Level 1 * Bodyweight
Novice 0.5 * Bodyweight

The table depicts the Check out the average leg press weight by body weight and level of experience.

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Average Hip Thrust By Weight

Weight does correlate with how much weight you lift in your hip thrust exercise. The higher the body weight, the higher the muscular mass of that person. It can easily be seen, a fat person can lift heavy than a skinny person. However, this theory does apply to an obese person.

The chart below gives a vivid representation of how a person can lift at different strength levels at different weight standards.

Average Hip Thrust By Weight For Females Chart

Weight [Females] Average Hip Thrust [Beginners][lbs] Average Hip Thrust [Intermediate][lbs] Average Hip Thrust [Advance][lbs] Average Hip Thrust [Elite][lbs]
100 50 100 – 120 150 190 – 210
110 55 110 – 130 150 200 – 220
120 60 120 – 140 160 210 – 230
130 65 130 – 150 160 220 – 240
140 70 140 – 155 170 230 – 250
150 75 150 – 165 180 240 – 260
160 80 160 – 175 200 250 – 270
170 85 170 – 185 220 260 – 280
180 90 180 – 190 240 270 – 290
190 95 190 – 200 250 280 – 300

Average Hip Thrust By Weight For Males Chart

Weight [Males] Average Hip Thrust [Beginners][lbs] Average Hip Thrust [Intermediate][lbs] Average Hip Thrust [Advance][lbs] Average Hip Thrust [Elite][lbs]
130 90 – 130 200 260 300
140 90 – 140 210 270 310
150 95 – 150 220 280 330
160 95 – 160 230 300 350
170 100 – 170 240 320 360
180 100 – 180 250 330 360
190 110 – 190 250 340 370
200 115 – 200 260 350 380
210 120 – 210 260 360 380
220 120  – 220 270 360 390

However, the lifting weight can be increased and varies from person to person, as genetics also play a vital role, in deciding the person’s strength. However, this chart gives various representations of how much an average person can lift at a certain weight range and different fitness levels.

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What Is The Good Hip Thrust Weight? 

There is no certain number that can be said: “It is a good hip thrust weight for either males or females.” Hip Thrust is not a common exercise like a beach press, squat, or deadlift, it is generally done by people who want to tone to strengthen their hips. Also, the weight of hip thrust is very dependent on a person’s strength the fitness level, for instance, an elite lifter can lift to 3 or 4 times his/her body weight. But a beginner can not even lift their body weight. 

However, a good hip thrust also depends on your weight, a person who weighs 150 lbs, and can lift 200 or 230 lbs, with a hip thrust, he is in very good body physique.

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How Does Age Affect Hip Thrust Weight?

Age is not a major determining factor in the weight that can be used for hip thrust exercise. The appropriate weight for hip thrusts will depend on the individual’s strength and ability level, regardless of age.

It is also important to note that as we age, it is common for muscle mass and strength to decline, so it may be necessary to adjust your training routine to account for these changes. A personal trainer or fitness professional can help you to design a safe and effective training program that takes into account your age and fitness level.

How Often Should You Do Hip Thrust Exercises?

Many people have this question about the frequency of doing hip thrusts, mostly women who have a myth that training hips regularly will increase the hip’s size. However, that is not the case, the frequency at which you should perform the hip thrust exercise will depend on your individual fitness goals and training experience. In general, it is safe to perform the hip thrust exercise a few times per week as long as you are using the proper form and not overdoing it. It is also important to allow your muscles sufficient time to rest and recover between workouts.

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Can you do hip thrust regularly?

No, you should not do hip thrust exercise regularly as it is not a wise decision to overdo your muscles as it damages the tissues. For power muscle growth, it is important to give the muscles siffienct time to rest and recover.

If you are just starting to incorporate the hip thrust exercise into your routine, you may want to start with one or two sets of 8-12 reps, performed a few times per week. As you become more comfortable with the exercise and your strength and endurance improve, you can gradually increase the number of sets and reps, as well as the weight used.

If you experience any pain or discomfort while performing the hip thrust exercise, it is important to stop immediately and consult a healthcare professional.

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Do hip thrust makes your hips bigger?

The hip thrust exercise can help to strengthen and tone the muscles of the hips and buttocks, which can give the appearance of bigger or more defined buttocks. However, it is important to note that the size of your hips is largely determined by your genetics and body type, and cannot be significantly changed through exercise alone.

Adding the hip thrust exercise to your workout routine will give your buttocks a firmer and more defined appearance. From the look, the hips will appear bigger despite a very minimal difference in size. Also, the reduction in thigh fat helps in making your hips quite big.

Hip thrust with dumbbells

Some people are unaware that hip thrust can also be performed with dumbbells instead of using a barbell. Using dumbells provide a better range of motion and movement, and the lifter can fully stretch the muscles. 

The average hip thrust weight for males and females using dumbells is 80 lb and 60 lbs, respectively. It is because it is compared tough to use dumbells for hip thrust in comparison to barbells.

How To do the hip thrust exercise with dumbbells, follow these steps:

  1. Sit on the floor with your upper back resting on a bench and your feet flat on the ground.
  2. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your palms facing toward your body.
  3. Lift your hips off the ground, using your glutes and lower back muscles to thrust the dumbbells upward.
  4. As you lift your hips, be sure to keep your core engaged and your feet firmly planted on the ground.
  5. Lower your hips back down to the starting position and repeat for the desired number of reps.

Where should I place the barbell when doing hip thrust?

When performing the hip thrust exercise with a barbell, it is important to position the barbell correctly to ensure proper form and avoid injury. Here are some tips for placing the barbell when performing the hip thrust exercise:

  • Place the barbell on your lap: When starting the exercise, the barbell should be placed on your lap, just above your hips.
  • Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip: Take a firm grip on the barbell with your hands positioned slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your palms facing down.
  • Lift the barbell off your lap: Once you are in position, lift the barbell off your lap and onto your upper thighs, just below your hips.
  • Keep the barbell close to your body: As you lift your hips off the ground, keep the barbell close to your body to maintain proper form and balance.
  • Keep your feet firmly planted on the ground: To maintain stability, be sure to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground throughout the exercise.

It is important to use proper form when performing the hip thrust exercise to avoid injury and ensure that you are targeting the intended muscle groups. If you are unsure about the correct form for the hip thrust exercise, it is a good idea to consult a fitness professional or personal trainer for guidance.

Can you lose hips and butt fat doing a hip thrust?

The hip thrust exercise will strengthen your hips and buttocks muscles, but it can not do spot reduction (targeting fat loss in a specific area of the body). However, with a calorie-deficit diet, it is possible to burn the extra fat around the thighs and butt, quicker. Although it will not show the instant result, over time when your entire body will burn fat, and growth of muscles, your hips will appear more toned.

It is also important to remember that losing fat and achieving your desired body composition is a process that takes time and dedication, and it is important to be patient and consistent with your training and nutrition.

Can you lose belly fat by doing a hip thrust?

No, the hip thrust is designed to lose belly fat, and to lose fat around your abdomen area, you need to perform exercises that target that specific area. Abdominal exercises, such as crunches and planks, can also help to strengthen and tone the muscles of the abdominal area.

Which is better for doing hip thrust with a barbell, dumbbell, or machine?

The best option for performing the hip thrust exercise will depend on your individual goals, preferences, and available equipment. Here is a comparison of the different options for performing the hip thrust exercise:

  • Barbell Thrust: Using a barbell for hip thrusts allows you to load a heavier weight, which can provide a greater strength and muscle-building stimulus. However, you will need to have access to a barbell and a stable surface, such as a bench, to perform this exercise.
  • Dumbbells Hip Thrust: Using dumbbells for hip thrusts allows you to perform the exercise without the need for a barbell or bench. Dumbbells also allow for a greater range of motion and may be more comfortable for some people. However, you may not be able to use as much weight with dumbbells as you could with a barbell.
  • Machine Hip Thrust: Hip thrust machines, also known as glute bridge machines, allow you to perform the hip thrust exercise in a seated position and typically allow you to use a heavier weight than you could with dumbbells. However, these machines are typically only found in gym settings and may not be as readily available as a barbell or dumbbells.

Ultimately, the best option for you will depend on your preferences, but generally, people prefer to do hip thrust with a barbell.
