Average Calves Size

Average Calves Size
Image Credit : Freepik

Average calves size? People are concerned about their calf’s size, including some believe that they have smaller calves, and other fear that they have big calves (especially women). So, to get out of this dilemma, check out the average calves size and compare it with your calves size. Learn how to accurately measure calf size accurately, mentioned below.

You can check the average calves size in males and females according to height and weight.

Average Calves Size

The average calves size for males is between 12.25 to 15.25 inches, while for females it is between 13.25 to 16.25.

The size of the calves is different for every person on her, as there are factors responsible: Genetics, environment, body structure, and exercise. According to studies, conducted using people of different genetic and areas, the average calves size is measured. thus, giving us the result of the average calf size in men and women.

Average Male Calf Size

So, how big are the average calves’ size of men? According to studies, the average male calf size is between 12.25 inches and 15.25 inches. 

Why the range?

The average calf size primarily depends on age, genetics, environment, and muscle status( how muscular he is). For example, the men who have lower body height and weight, showed an average calf circumference of 12.25 inches while the others who have big height and more weight showed an average calf circumference of 15.35 inches. Also, this study was conducted by taking participants of different age groups, different body structures, and different body weights. 

Height Male Calf Size
5 ft 5 inch 12
5 ft 6 inch 12.25
5 ft 7 inch 12.50
5 ft 8 inch 13
5 ft 9 inch 13.50
5 ft 10 inch 14.25
5 ft 11 inch 14.75
5 ft 12 inch 14.75
6 ft 15
6 ft 1 inch 15.25
6 ft 2 inch 15.55
6 ft 3 inch 15.75

Therefore, a person with a bigger body weight is likely to have bigger calves. It is because taller people tend to have more mass than shorter people. So, with a high amount of bone mass, the supporting power of muscle is significantly higher. 

Well, it doesn’t mean if you are tall, you will definitely have bigger calves. Genetics is a hindering factor when it comes to the size of the calves. 

Also, muscle mass decreases to approximately  3–8% per decade after the age of 30, so eventually, the calf’s size also decreases as you age. 

Weight (lbs) Male Calf Size (inch)
120 12
130 12.25
140 12.75
150 13.25
160 13.75
170 14.25
180 14.75
190 15.25
200 15.50
210 15.75
220 16.25
230 16.75

Remember, calves are made up of two muscles: gastrocnemius( larger muscle) and soleus ( small muscle). So an inch of increase in gastrocnemius muscle will end up creating a huge difference in the size of calves. 

Average Female Calf Size

What’s the average calves size for a woman? Based on the studies, the average female calf size is between 13.25 inches and 16.25 inches. 

Why this range? 

The size of the calves for females also depends on their genetic, height, and body weight. Also, the fat percentages between men and women are different. According to the study conducted, with 51% males and 49% females, the evidence suggested that the average fat percentage on men is about 12 % to 15 %, whereas in women this number rose up to 18% to 22%.

Height Female Calf Size
5 ft 1 inch 12.50
5 ft 2 inch 12.75
5 ft 3 inch 13.25
5 ft 4 inch 13.75
5 ft 5 inch 14.25
5 ft 6 inch 14.75
5 ft 7 inch 15
5 ft 8 inch 15.25
5 ft 9 inch 15.75
5 ft 10 inch 16.25
5 ft 11 inch 16.50
6 ft inch 16.75

Therefore, it is one of the reasons why women despite their small height and weight, tend to have bigger calves. 

Although, the big calves are an indication of high body weight than average. 

Weight (lbs) Female Calf Size (inch)
90 13
100 13.25
110 13.75
120 14.25
130 14.75
140 15.25
150 15.75
160 16.25
170 16.75
180 17.25
190 17.50
200 17.75

Additionally, you can see a drastic change in the size of calves as you grow older. The calf size decreasing ratio is faster than men. So, when a woman hits 30, the muscle mass deteriorates and the fat percentage becomes less. So, eventually, you will have smaller calves as you grow older. 

What is the average calves length?

So, just how long are the average calves? 

The average male calf length is between 48.5cm and 38.5 cm and the average female calf length is between 35 cm to 42.5 cm. It is because women considerably have small height as a comparison to men. So it is natural for women to have smaller calves length as compared to men. 

According to studies, there is a Correlation between height and calf length. The taller you are, the longer your calf will be. Also, the person’s height primarily depends on genetic. 

So, there is no way you can change the length of your calves. Although there is some medical procedure where you can change the length of calves too, it is a very dangerous procedure. 

How to measure calves size accurately

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to measure a calf’s size accurately and avoid making mistakes.

Note: Before measuring your calves, make sure you were not sitting for not more than an hour in a single place. 


According to a study conducted, when a person sits for more than an hour, the calves size began to increase. Although this is a temporary increase, it can still affect the accurate average calves size measurement. 

What to do if you are sitting for more than an hour? 

The evidence suggested that a person needs to walk about 10 minutes and 37 seconds (minimum), to change its calves back to normal. 

Steps to measure calf size

  • The first step is to remove any clothing from around the calves, as this can inflate results. 
  • Stand still and in a straight position, and try to relax your muscles. 
  • The second person, will take a measurement tape and loop it around the calves. 
  • Choose the thickest part of the calf and loop it around that. 
  • Take 5 measurements, and take a mean to get accurate results. You can also compare it with the chart. 

Note: Make sure the measuring tape shouldn’t be overly tight or loose, as this can skew the results.

Can you change your calf size?

Yes, you can change your calf size. As you know, the calf length is based on genetics, and it is important to increase the length. But calve circumference can be changed, as calves are similar to any other body muscle. With appropriate training, you can increase its size or make it lean. 

Our guide on how to get bigger calves is the first step you should take to increase your calf’s size (circumference). 

Calves are made of two muscles, and when you train both these muscles and provide adequate protein and minerals, these muscles tend to grow, and thus you get bigger calves. 

Should you account for body fat when taking a calf measurement?

Yes, body fat is considered while taking a reading of the size of the calf. Also, the more body fat you have, the bigger your calves are going to be. 

Additionally, if you want to remove the body fat while taking measurements of calves’ size, it can also be done. By taking a skinfold measurement with calipers to understand what body fat percentage you have. 

However, women tend to have a higher fat percentage around calves areas. On the other hand, men calves tend to stay lean. 

Where on the limb do you measure your calf circumference?

To get accurate results, when you measure calf size (circumference), make sure :

  • You are standing still and straight with any bend in your knees. 
  • You have to measure the thickest part of the muscle for calf measurement. 

Take 5 measurements to get accurate results and then compare them with the chart above mentioned. This will determine whether you have smaller or bigger calves according to your height and body weight. 

Can you get smaller calves? 

Changing the size of the calves is a difficult task, as the size is primarily based on genetic. But there is a way, where you can decrease the size of your calves. 

For females, getting smaller calves is easy, as the fat percentage is higher around the calf area. So, after weight training, you will burn the fat and, therefore you will have smaller calves. But it is difficult for men, as men tend to lean muscle around the calves. 

Do men have bigger calves than women?

No, women tend to have bigger calves. It is because of the high-fat percentage around the calf area. Although, the size of calves is primarily based on the genetics, height, and body weight that determines the size of the calves. 

There are other factors like average jump height, average head size which depend on genetics. 

Hi, gurbi is a fashion blogger, designer, and fashion consultant. He is 25 yrs old man who love the world of fashion.