If your Glutes are Sore are They Growing ?

If your Glutes are Sore are They Growing

Growing a muscle can be very difficult for some people but for some, it’s genetically gifted. But in both groups, the one thing is common that is soreness in the muscle. Yes, soreness is a huge factor that people mostly experience. But today we only focus on glute soreness. A lot of people are confused about the fact that soreness in glutes is good or bad, or if your glutes are sore are they growing ?. Let’s find out

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If your glutes are sore are they growing?


How to reduce soreness

Muscle growth mechanism with and without soreness.

If your glutes are sore are they growing?

Technical speaking, soreness in the glutes is the one-way or sign of muscle growth, but it’s not the case every time because sometimes soreness is because of overuse of the muscle, low nutritional value, and some other factors.

Soreness can be configured in different ways- if you are a beginner in lifting weights, or you train your glutes after a gap. These are some signs which usually, activate the muscle which is earlier on rest, and when you hit the weight or squeeze your glutes you will feel soreness. On the other hand, if you do endurance or Arabic exercise or glute stretches you still feel soreness but it’s not a sign of muscle growth.

If you feel soreness in your glutes means are they growing?. Well, it depends on what causes the soreness. If soreness is due to muscle tissue break then it’s a sign of muscle growth.

Usually, when people muscle growth has stopped, changing exercises is the one way to grow muscle which also causes soreness, besides the fact that you are intermediate or advanced. If you are a beginner and you feel soreness in your glutes, then also it’s a good sign because in starting the muscle grow faster and you feel peak level soreness in your glutes or legs, but make sure it’s not due to low nutritional value, then its take you longer to grow any muscle.

Although its never scientifically proved that soreness in your glutes or muscles leads to muscle growth. Because sometimes other factors come into play – you have tried new exercise which causes soreness, you have reordered the exercises which also cause soreness. These are some examples which cause soreness because your muscle is confused and diverted from its earlier routine.

Conclusion- Taking soreness in your glutes completely as a sign of growth is just another bro-science if you don’t know the cause behind it. Sometimes, intermediate people don’t feel soreness in muscle but still able to gain muscle in return.

Also read : Glute Activation Exercises at Home

Should you train in soreness?

The simple answer is yes, but make sure you don’t hit the same muscle that is sore because it causes more soreness. The best way is to give rest to the sored muscle for 48 hours until the soreness is gone, but during that period of time, you should be doing other exercises.

How to reduce muscle soreness or glute soreness?

Warm-up and stretching

Warm-up is the best way to activate and open up the muscle before lifting heavy, also increase the blood in blood vessels. In the case of glutes, you should first do 20 situps for 2 sets without any weight before actually doing the squats.

Not doing warmup is also a great factor behind soreness. If you don’t do any warmup before exercise that causes soreness and it does not contribute to the muscle growth process.

Stretching is also a great way to avoid soreness because it increases blood flow. You can do stretching during exercise or after exercise, do what suits you best.


Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advance. Nutrition level changes accordingly. The best way to recover your muscle after the workout is nutrition because the tissue break which leads to soreness if you don’t get the immediate nutrition to fill that blocks that break.

So, what nutrition is good for recovery from soreness? Forget about fats, carbs. You need protein because it is made of 20 amino acids which fill the blocks to make protein, which in return protein fills the muscle blocks.

If you have don’t take the necessary amount of nutrition, your soreness will last long because the muscle takes more time to heal. And on the other hand, you also see less results.

BCAA glutamine

This is the supplement which is usually used by advanced level who do an intense workout or train the same muscle twice a week. So, what BCAA do is help in recovery and build blocks of protein, and glutamine on the other side helps to increase or speed up the recovery process.

Glutamine is the non-essential amino acid that is depleted during a workout. And it takes 7 days for your body to recover the depleted glutamine. So, adding 2 to 3 grams of glutamine in your post-workout will definitely speed the recovery process, and you wake up active the next day without any soreness.


Massage is the one common healer in soreness. Do self-massaging if you can, Do gentle massage with oil on the sored parts of your body to increase the blood flow into blood vessels.

Mechanism of muscle growth

There are three ways by which you can grow muscle. But out of three one is what involves soreness and others are not. Let’s discuss

Mechanical damage

This is when your muscle is damaged or the tissue break due to enteric overloading. This is the easiest way to grow muscle, although it causes soreness which can make it sometimes difficult to go back to the gym, the next day.

Progressive overload

As the name suggests this is where you keep adding weights and creates as much tension as possible.

The second way is by doing volume heavy reps which leads to the growth of muscle. But it has its own downfall because it causes overuse of a muscle or sometimes the load on muscle is huge which leads to many injuries.


This is where the volume is high and the weight is low. This is Basically, to create a pump, and not let the muscle breathe which leads to muscle growth. The good news is, it does not create soreness, but can be difficult sometimes.

Hi, gurbi is a fashion blogger, designer, and fashion consultant. He is 25 yrs old man who love the world of fashion.