8 Self-Help Books for Teenage Depression

self help books for teenage depression
self help books for teenage depression

The teenage years are the most memorable ones. When I remember my days of long hours playing, enjoying, no worries, and no tension. But we can’t deny today’s competition on every point. Today’s teens feel so much with the increased academic pressures, social challenges, and hormonal changes of the teenage years means that about one in five of us suffer from depression in our teens.

Teenagers have so much to do that you feel like hell sometimes. And if at this family problems starts its even more dreadful. It’s normal to feel sad and irritable now.

But if these feelings don’t go away you might feel overwhelmingly hopeless and helpless. Even though it can feel like the black cloud of depression will never lift, there are plenty of things you can do to help yourself. Turn to self-help books. Books have never lost the importance of making lives and so will do for you. Our below collection of self-help books for teenage depression will give you your own way of thinking and new hopes in your life.

Self-Help Books for Teenage Depression

1. The Anxiety Workbook for Teens

Book by Lisa M Schab

If you are stuck with day-to-day depression and challenges, this self-help book is great. During teenage, many hormonal changes take inside your body, mind, and emotions. It is normal to age like this. This workbook provides the resources to develop a positive self-image.

2. When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress

Book by Gabor Maté

Stress not only affects the mind but your body too. The age of teenage is the growth phase of any individual, stress may cause an imbalance in your body. This self-help book for teenage depression reveals the connection between our thoughts and body. With dozens of case studies and stories from real people, this book comprises principles and objectives in the process of healing from the hidden stress.

3. Who Moved My Cheese? for Teens: An A-mazing Way to Change and Win!

Book by Spencer Johnson

Who moved my cheese? is an amazingly interesting self-help for teenage depression. When life hits back, this book will help cope with teenagers struggling in their academics, parents, relationships, and dating with a positive attitude. The story is set for 4 friends worried about the changes in their teenage. So they are searching for the cheese through the maze. The theme of the story is change. Who moved cheese? For teens is an entertaining parable that reveals the truths and insights for a lifetime.

“The more important the cheese is to you the more you want it”.

4. The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook for Teens: CBT and ACT Skills to Help You Build Social Confidence

By Jennifer Shannon

One of my favorite self-help books and would definitely be good for teenagers of this age. Shyness has surrounded me from the very beginning, ignoring discussions, avoiding new friends not only make you lonely but cause unwanted depression. The one struggling with shyness, The Shyness and Social Anxiety workbook for teens will help handle awkward social situations with grace and confidence. This book lightens one of the most important CBT facts of skill. Skill speaks for the person more than the person himself. Beneficial for teens dealing with social fear and shyness.

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5. Unfiltered: No Shame, No Regrets, Just Me.

“Be you and embrace your differences as things that make you unique and special. “Different” shouldn’t be considered confusing, negative, or something that divides us. It should be a quality we applaud and admire within ourselves and others.”

Lily Collins, the star of the best seller Mortal Instruments has made a deep conversation about the things young teenage women face. From her own deepest secrets she opened about her heartbreaks, insecurities, addiction, eating disorders, rejection and pain and discovering her self-worth. Unfiltered is more about knowing yourself. To live unfiltered, break the ice that holds back the uniqueness in you.

6. Quiet Power

By Susan Cain

Another self-help book for teenage depression in the list for the introverts. Introverts face a lot in their teenage years. With this book, she inspires by changing the view everyone sees introverts. The book gives the power of acceptance for what you are and enjoy your own company. This book is divided into four sections: school, socializing, hobbies, and home. There are stories from introverted kids and young adults including Gandhi, Beyonce, Bill gates showing the level of introversion these people have faced. A really well-done example of a teenage reading edition.

7. Fierce: How Competing for Myself Changed Everything

By Aly Raisman

Newyork times bestseller, Fierce is the story of the gold medalist in the Olympic games Aly Raisman.  Seeing her now we believe how hard she had worked to achieve what she has today. But it is not only the career obstacles, social depression has also tried to let down for her athletic body. In her own words, Aly showed how it takes to be a champion on the floor. She discusses body image, mental health, and social life as a gymnast. All in one a perfect self-help books for teenage depression with cool advice for the reader to rise above challenges and love themselves.

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8. Healing Your Grieving Heart for Kids: 100 Practical Ideas

By Alan Wolfelt

Life is a journey of ups and downs. People come and go, this is nature we can’t control on. This book has something unique for the young depressed teenager. The writer gives better tips for teens like don’t have to hurry if you are not ready; take your time to feel every emotion such as sadness, anger, mourning; and how to deal with it in a positive way because emotions are powerful, normal and necessary.

Hi, gurbi is a fashion blogger, designer, and fashion consultant. He is 25 yrs old man who love the world of fashion.