Common Myths about Whey Proteins

myths about whey proteins

Many of us who are exercising for a long time or just a beginner has been familiar with whey proteins. We know how much importance the professional and experts suggest to include it in our daily nutrition. 

A few years back supplements didn’t exist that much. Easting food is the only source we all were dependent on for protein, carbs, fats, etc. With the rise of health and fitness among the people, food education has also taken a deep height. People have become conscious about their eating. If you want a strong and fit body the diet has to be planned accordingly. Eating those traditional diets won’t affect much. 

Common Myths about Whey Proteins

And with this in mind supplements are made to complete the workout needs. You may not be able to eat too much at a time, so food supplements like the most essential whey protein help to meet the daily requirements in small amounts. 

But actually, is whey protein? 

Whey is a by-product of milk. Milk is made up of two proteins whey and casein. Whey is found in the watery part of the milk and can be obtained from cheese. When the cheese is produced, the left-over water is collected to make the whey protein powder used as a supplement in shakes and protein bars. 


But recently, this Protein is doubted by many as an appropriate protein.

Here we have identified common myths about whey proteins that make you clarify your beliefs.

Myth 1:Whey proteins is a type of steroid

Whey proteins are natural extracts of milk water after producing cheese. While the protein is itself packed with energy richness but to add more levels of bodybuilding this natural protein is mixed with more nutrients to make powders. 

Comparing whey proteins to steroids is a very false myth about whey proteins. Steroids are totally different from natural proteins. Steroids are biological compounds or hormones in the natural body. These are made to act like normal growth hormones. 

Although whey protein increases muscle mass and growth it is not a steroid. It is one of the most scientifically backed and recommended nutrients for athletes and bodybuilders. 

Myth 2:Whey proteins make you fat

Whey proteins promote lean mass. Whey proteins as a bodybuilding supplement make you fat is a well-known myth. If you have ever checked the packet of your whey protein it contains high carbs, low calories that are best suited for a person losing weight. 

Whey protein shakes are the best if you are on a weight loss diet. And can fill your stomach with these Micronutrients at small intervals. 

But as it always said, excessive is always bad. So consuming in large quantities will backfire on your daily routine. 

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Myth 3: All proteins are equal

Not all proteins are equal. There are different types of proteins with different molecularity. So whey protein is way more unique from other proteins. The speed of absorbing proteins varies. Whey is quickly absorbed by the body after intense training or workout for muscle recovery. Whey protein is essential for muscle gaining and fat loss, particularly for athletes and bodybuilders. 

Myth 4:Whey affect the kidney and liver

Kidney and liver issues occur when there is the internal malfunctioning of the body. There is no such evidence of whey proteins affecting the kidney or liver. 

It is not the proteins that are damaging rather the number of proteins. Adding too much than required will surely contribute to internal issues. 

As suggested by Healthline, “Whey protein is very safe. A commonly recommended dose is 1–2 scoops (25–50 grams) per day. Whey protein is very safe. A commonly recommended dose is 1–2 scoops (25–50 grams) per day.”

Myth 5: Whey protein denature on cooking

Whey proteins are a chemical combination of chains of amino acids. According to Cornell University, temperatures can change the physical properties of whey protein but it is unaffected by the composition of amino acids and nutritional content. 

Heating at high temperatures will surely decrease its functionality of being soluble. But this will not make it less nutritious or decrease the benefits to the body. 

Some of the proteins are broken down while cooking and the others during digestion. In the end, it’s only the amino acids in one way that is consumed. 

Myth 6:Whey protein is not recommended for women

No, there is nothing like this. Women can consume the same proteins for their body requirements. Whey is just an additional supplement to the food and not a muscle growth pill. Proteins are in demand for everybody. 

A very false myth about whey proteins is that it will increase the testosterone levels in women making them bulky. No, there is only a specified amount of protein intake for women of around 50-55g. They need to work out harder and harder to develop heavy and bulky muscles. 

Myth 7: Body Can’t Digest More Than 30 Grams At A Time

One of the most trusted myths about whey proteins you can hear in gyms. Our body has the capacity of absorbing 30g of proteins at a time. Not true. It’s only myths that hold no truth. Too many people fear increasing their amount to 30 g. They fear getting into bad health when they reach 30g. What matters is the absorption and workout. The more you work the more the body increases the speed of absorption. Athletes and bodybuilders who perform intensive workouts generally increase their dosage by 2-4 scoops that contain 96g (1scoop=24g) of whey proteins. Because in the end, the proteins have to be successfully utilized by the body. 

Myth 8:Whey protein creates digestive disorder

Regular protein intake does not disturb the digestive system followed by exercise and workout. When Whey Protein is consumed with a varied balanced diet and exercise it can be very beneficial for improving strength and helping with recovery and overall boosting your body composition

Also, digestive issues can occur if you are Lactose Intolerant. Whey proteins cause uncomfortable stomach-related symptoms like bloating, diarrhea, cramps, etc. 

You can switch to whey protein isolate if you are lactose intolerant. 

Myth 9: Whey proteins are not for 18 years or less

Do you know the biggest bodybuilders? Teens. Teenagers are in their most important age of growth. So there is nothing like only 18+ can take the supplement. 

Whey protein is a protein that is for everyone. Whenever a child is born, it’s fed with mother’s milk. And mother milk contains 80% more whey proteins than natural milk. So whey proteins are for everyone whether you are a kid of 16, 18, or 20+. There is no such case of whey proteins affecting badly to any adolescent as stated by experts. 

When you are choosing the whey proteins just stick those with a natural concentration of whey protein isolates. You don’t need those performance-enhancing or bodybuilding at the teenager, what you need is- whey protein isolate. 

1 spoon of whey protein isolates with a workout will not do any harm to the body. 

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Myth 10:You will lose muscle if you stop taking whey protein

Lots of people say that you lose the muscle if you stop taking whey protein, No. If you are taking regular 1-2 scoops of whey proteins and somehow cut on the proteins or falling short of the budget still there is no loss to the muscle you gained. 

The amount you get from whey can be replaced with eggs, soya chunks, paneer, etc. This would not affect your diet and provide the same energy to build muscles. 

Hi, gurbi is a fashion blogger, designer, and fashion consultant. He is 25 yrs old man who love the world of fashion.