Is Faux Leather Waterproof ? 

Is Faux Leather Waterproof

Is Faux Leather Waterproof? This is the question that is usually asked by people who own anything made of faux leather. So, let’s directly jump to the answer.

If faux leather is waterproof or not depends on the type of faux leather. PU and PVC faux leather is likely to be waterproof as these are basically plastics that prevent the water from entering inside. However, all types of faux leather are not waterproof but can be waterproofed with the help of spray or coating, for additional water resistance. 

When we are talking about faux leather we are mainly talking about synthetic leather that is used widely to make clothes, bags, seats, jackets, boots, and many more things. There is no doubt that faux leather is cheaper and that’s why it attracts the companies, but on top of that, it is also water-resistant as it is made of petroleum and no weaving is done. 

But does that mean synthetic leather is 100 percent waterproof? Well, as discussed above, it depends on the type of faux leather. Some faux leather are more water resistant to others, and don’t need waterproofing.


But some need waterproofing and many companies apply water coating, or use different techniques to make the faux leather waterproof. I will talk about different types of faux leather below in this article. 

Moreover, a base of faux leather used while making a faux leather is also very important to conclude if faux leather is going to be waterproof or not. Sometimes, companies use natural fabric like cotton as base layer which absorbs the moisture.

But the reason to use cotton is that they can buy these from other manufacturers. Similarly, most of the time companies also use synthetic fabric like polyester with faux leather. Polyester is weaved tightly for additional waterproofing and it is less likely that water get through this type of faux leather. 

Further, companies also use neoprene, rubber, polyurethane, and other material to make the waterproofing strong.

Neoprene is basically used in water socks which one wears under the water, which means if faux leather is made using neoprene material then it is waterproof and can easily pass the pressure of water. But putting too much water pressure can release some lope holes. 

Do You Need to Waterproof Faux Leather

Most of the times you don’t have to waterproof faux leather as it is already waterproofed by companies by either using any type of chemical, coating or spray. And if you decide to use any type method to waterproof on top of that, that is basically useless. 

However, this doesn’t mean you should never waterproof a faux leather. If you have a shoes made of faux leather then it is better to check how what type faux leather is used to make them. 

Types of Faux Leather That Are Waterproof

So mainly there are lot of types of faux leather out there as synthetic industry has grown exponentially over the years. But we are going to discuss the few types of faux leathers, mainly that are waterproof. 

Even if you don’t do waterproofing, it is unlikely that faux leather get ruined in water, unless you out them there for very long.

However, if you have shoes that are made of faux leather and are not pre waterproofed, then I suggest to waterproof them as nobody likes a wet feet, especially they are outdoor boots. 

So, in case you might don’t know, waterproofing means adding a protective type of layer between leather and water. This layer is basically plastic which has close pores or no pores at all. Gore-Tex has closed pores which means water doesn’t get its way in as there is no way. 

On contrary, if you wear faux leather item daily like shoes everyday in water then it is Important to waterproof them. There are two reasons why need why waterproofing is best if faux leather is exposed to water too much.

Firstly, it protect the leather. Secondly, it saves faux leather as it also gets cracked if you wear them in water too much. 

Faux leather upper becomes hard with excessive exposure to water, ultimately leads to crack. 

How to Waterproof Faux Leather? 

There are few ways by which you can waterproof faux leather. In this article, I will discuss three methods i.e. waterproofing faux leather using spray or sealant, leather cream, and Vaseline. To be clear, spray is the easiest and best choice but you can try what suits you the best. 

The easiest way to waterproof faux leather is by using a spray that works well on faux leather. Just don’t buy any spray to waterproof faux leather, as many sprays are cheap and don’t go well with leather. So make sure you buy the right one.

Below I will mention some of the best sprays you can use to waterproof faux leather. 

Waterproofing Faux Leather Using Spray or Sealant

To Water Faux Leather Using Spray 

Step1: first, clean the leather with a cloth as it will wipe off the dirt and prevent it from getting inside the pores. Even if it is new, make sure you clean it with cloth, and please don’t wash it. 

Step 2: Now, spray on the leather evenly by paying more attention to the stitching. As stitching is where water can find its way inside. While doing so, also make sure to be very careful around the zippers or linings as there are preservatives and some chemicals in the spray that can put halt on the process. This is why I also recommend you to pick the outdoors to do this as it spray can also damage the floor or table if accidentally spills. 

Step3: After spraying over all the material, now let it dry. Don’t use a dryer to dry to speed up the process, let it dry naturally. Use the fan or dryer if you want to speed up the process, else leave on nature. 

Step4: Lastly, you need to test if the experiment is success. You can do that, by splashing some water on faux leather, and check if the water moves away. If not, then go through the same process again. 

Using Vaseline

You can also use Vaseline on faux leather to create a layer of water protection. But in means of effectiveness, it is not the best. Use Vaseline if you don’t have spray or if you want a quick fix for this problem. 

Vaseline can create a barrier between leather and water, however you need to apply it regularly as it wipes off very fast. 

Applying Vaseline is very easy on faux leather and the reason for that is non porous nature of faux leather. 

To Apply Vaseline on Faux Leather

Step 1: First clean the material with cloth. A small of dirt can lead to doing the process again. 

Step2: Take small amount of Vaseline and apply it on material. Then rub it so that it goes down and fills the open pores. 

Step3: Lastly, let it dry. And after that, check if it works or not by dropping some water over it. 

If you want to waterproof a faux leather by Vaseline then keep in mind, it only works for mild rains. If you keep faux leather covered with Vaseline layer for too long or under too much pressure of water, then it becomes wet. 

Leather Cream

This is another method by which you can waterproof your faux leather. But do know that, it lasts few months and after that you have reapply it again. But if you rarely use a item made of faux leather then there is no need to reapply it after every month. You can check every month if the layer of barrier is still there by throwing some water. 

If you never used a leather cream, then it is basically a coated layer of wax and polymers. 

To apply leather cream on faux leather, you need to follow the same process as with spray. However, there is one single difference, and that is, it is applied with brush or you can also use hand. 

Moreover, you also need to check the instructions on the cream before you apply it. 

To Apply Leather Cream on Faux Leather

Step 1: First, clean the leather with a clean cloth. For cleaning you can also use a wet cloth, if it is shoes made of faux leather. But make sure to let it dry, before you apply the cream. 

Step 2: Now, apply the cream with hand or the brush. See the instructions on the box for more clarity. 

Step 3: Again let it dry and check if it worked. However, most of times it works. But make sure to reapply this after few months. 

How Many Times Faux Leather Needs Waterproofing? 

It is the fact that waterproofing is not permanent and it fades away with time. However, the time frame can wary depending on how frequently is faux leather exposed to the water. 

Firstly, if faux leather is not pre waterproofed, then it is important to waterproof it the first time. But if it is then there is no need to waterproof faux leather. 

Anyway, let’s get back to the point. So, if you regularly use it in water then once a month. However, if you rarely use it then you should go with the waterproofing process once after every 12 months. But it is important to keep checking the waterproofing by putting some water over the faux leather. If you have faux leather shoes then throw some water over them, and see if the water rinses off Or not. 

Best Sprays to Waterproof Faux Leather

When it comes to the best faux leather waterproofing sprays, I have my own list. But you should do your own research and go with the one that is compatible with the material. 

Best Sprays to Waterproof Faux Leather –  Kiwi Camp Dry Heavy Duty Water Repellent, Nikwax TX Direct Wash-In Waterproofing

Does Water Ruin Faux Leather

As already explained above, faux leather can also get ruined in water if kept for too long on a regular basis. However, a rain is can hardly do anything to faux leather if it is waterproofed. 

Hi, gurbi is a fashion blogger, designer, and fashion consultant. He is 25 yrs old man who love the world of fashion.