How to avoid underarm smell ?

avoid underarm smell
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Do you get embarrassed when you walk into the room with a shirt loaded with underarm sweat and stinky smell? this is a common but embarrassing situation. It also takes away your charm, so can you avoid underarm smell problem by curing this ?  Well, you can not, if you don’t control this problem now.

Sweating is common for humans but the stinky smell it produces will eat out your confidence and charm.

During summers when you go out, your body heats up and some of you sweat like you just did some heavy work. But the problem with underarm sweating is, it makes it hard for you to go out with full authority. It takes away some piece of you.

It doesn’t matter whether you wear a perfect fit $2000 shirt, your dress is on point, but if there is sweat under your armpits with the ac on then you are creating a social distance between you and your people.

Is this possible for you to avoid underarm smell and walk in there with your head up, or you can say your arm up, The answer is that it’s possible if you follow some dressing tips and hygiene routine for your body.

Well, if you are men who sweets a lot during the day, you need to do some work on your hygiene and some dressing tips to avoid the underarm smell.

How to avoid underarm smell?

Quit these to avoid the underarm smell

.​ Food – your diet plays a very important role in the way you smell and how much you sweat. Food having a quantity increase in salt or fat is a nice way to give a call to sweat. If you have a sweating problem, you need to cut salt and fat from your diet, don’t cut totally because your body needs fats and salt but less is good for you. Also, avoid spicy and dairy products because they generate heat in your body.

.​ Caffeine – Caffeine is proved to be the major reason if you sweat a lot. Cut caffeine totally from your daily routine to cut the sweat. ​Caffeine has the properties which make your body heat up in a few seconds.

Wrong usage of Antiperspirant

Antiperspirant is used to block the sweat glands on your skin but the wrong use of antiperspirant can lead to more Sweating. You need to keep some points in mind and before using antiperspirant-

● Use antiperspirant on dry skin, even a little bit of moisture on your body can block the effect of antiperspirant. Always dry your skin before applying it to your body.
● The best time to use an antiperspirant on your body is not after a shower, but at night time before going to sleep.

Alcohol– Alcohol is also one of the major reasons that cause sweating. If you want to get rid of the smell, avoid alcohol. Drinking a beer on a regular basis can also increase sweating.

Wear breathable fabric clothes

During summers avoid wearing the fat fabric like silk because it blocks the air and prevents it to pass through the fabric. You can wear a light fabric t-shirt and shirts which are made up of Linen and cotton.

Make sure to change your t-shirt or shirt twice a day to reduce the stinky smell. The survey shows that men sweat a lot more than women, and changing a T-shirt twice or thrice is a good option for men to reduce sweat smell.

Use less cologne

Over spraying a cologne can work opposite for you. Some colognes are very strong and when applied on the skin produce heat and sweat, if you don’t know how much is good? Read this article-

Take a bath every day

If you are a man who sweats a lot, consider taking a bath twice a day, one in the morning and one just before sleeping at night.

Do you know, soap and quality shower gel plays a very important role in improving your body odor? Selecting a good quality soap or shower gel is very important for anyone who wants to improve their body odor. Use a good ​shower gel​ while taking a bath. The shower gel is very important because it will leave a natural fragrance on your body.

You can also apply vinegar just before your bath. Avc is helpful in removing infection, dirt, and dust particles from your body.

Mix the apple vinegar in water, and apply it to your body. Make sure to take a bath with normal water afterward to rinse it off properly. If you apply this remedy for a few days, you will start seeing the results.

Sweat pads and sweat blocks

A sweat pad ​is a good option for you when you go out. Sweat pads help in blocking the sweating pores and absorbing the sweat under your arm.
Sweat pads are designed in the shape of your armpits, you can wear sweat pads under a t-shirt or any shirt.

Sweat blocks are a little bit different from sweat pads. You cannot use sweat blocks during the daytime, because they help in cleansing the dirt, infection from your skin. Instead, Use sweat blocks at night after taking the shower. Make sure to dry the skin first.

Sweat blocks are great cleansing agents for sweating but prior it also helps in changing the body odor, Sweat blocks provide a natural fragrance to your body.

Sweat blocks applied once at night block the sweat pores and prevent the sweat for 48 hours. It is a great option in, if you have any important meeting or event, make sure to apply it the night before your workday.

Remove body hair

Shave down the hair under your arms, because excessive hair beneath your arms causes a stinky smell.

Hair holds the sweat for a longer period of time and converts it into the germs or dust. So, it becomes difficult to rid of the stinky smell even after the shower.

Underarm hairs don’t let the skin dry. So, if you are men who struggle with sweating or bad smell problem, make sure to keep your underarms clean shave.

Wear under t-shirt

An under v-neck t-shirt is a great option in hiding the sweat for you. Wearing a v-neck under your clothes reduces the chances of your embarrassment.

If you sweat from many areas of your body, then you should consider a v-neck t-shirt for yourself.

Choose the best soft fabric t-shirt that helps in absorbing the sweat. Don’t wear a round neck t-shirt under your shirt, if you prefer opening the two buttons of your shirt. V-neck is not only a great option undershirt but you can also wear it under t-shirts.

Choose the right color

Well, color plays a great role in keeping your body warm or calm. Choosing the right colors for your summer wardrobe is the key, because if you wear a blue color shirt and you have a sweating problem, then it’s visible to everyone, to make it less awkward use the right colors like – black or white, which hides the sweat under your arms.

If you don’t know what color is best for Summers, then check out this article- How to choose the best colors for summer


We all are familiar with scrubbing but have you done it on your body? Well, we mainly do scrubbing on our face, but if you have a bad odor than doing a scrub on your body will be a beneficial option.

Scrubbing helps in removing the germs and dust particles, which are hard to remove with soap or shower gel, and helps to avoid the underarm smell.

Apply Cologne corectly

Applying a good perfume or cologne is the best option to avoid the stinky smell.
There are varieties of Cologne present in the market for different occasions. If your sweets a lot avoid strong fragrances.

If you have the cologne that suits you but doesn’t know the technique to apply it properly, then it is of no work, because the performance of your perfume matters on how much you apply it, and where you apply it.

If you don’t know how much is good then you must read this article- How to apply perfume (men’s guide)

Be hydrated

Keep yourself hydrated to remove the toxins from your body.
Drink 3 to 4 liters of water daily. It helps you in curing the sweat and avoid the underarm smell problem.

Hi, gurbi is a fashion blogger, designer, and fashion consultant. He is 25 yrs old man who love the world of fashion.