Bad boys for life

The movie is third in the long-running Bad boys franchise. If you are confused about that you should watch Bad Boys for Life to not. Check out the reasons below. The movie is popular among the audience, we can see one more the Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in their old 90s characters. This series made theses actors the action movie icons in the 90s. This movie shows that action heroes may come but nobody could match the intensity of the bad boys. It’s still not the best movie to his predecessor, the director couldn’t manage to touch the role of the classic badass cops. Will Smith and Martin Lawrence performance is exceptional. The movie got it all from car chases on streets and jokes about getting old.

If you’ve watched the previous bad boys movies, you’re gonna have a lot of fun watching bad boys one more time. Watch this movie if you are a fan of Bad Boy Franchise Bad boys is one of the classic franchise that is worth watching, but every franchise has the worst movie. Bad Boys for life couldn’t manage to get to the level of his predecessor, it still binge-worthy. Here are some of the few things in the movie, which changes how you see the movie.

Great impeccable style

Both actors are famous for their charismatic style. The style did not change since the first movie. The stunts, action sequences, comedy, and their dashing cop attitude is what makes it call us The Bad Boys. Although both actors have an impeccable style, the audience couldn’t get enough of Will Smith Mike Character. The movie filled with stunning visuals and great car chase scenes. Although previous movies were directed by Michael Bay new directors Adil El Arbi and Billal Fallah managed to get the essence of the films.

Will Smith Backstory

The most disturbing thing in this movie is about Mike (Will Smith) Back story, every movie in Bad boys is about the friendship between Mike and Marcus. But still, Marcus didn’t know anything about his undercover life. From the beginning of the movie, Isabel Aretas and her son Armando Armas, have a vendetta against Mike that was later discovered in the movie why. If you didn’t watch the movie we did not want to spoil it for you. It is only twisted in the entire movie that is not worth spoiling. It is the whole backstory of the Body boys started and a reason to watch Bad Boys for life.


Old car chase style

It’s not a bad boys movie if it didn’t have a car chase and Marcus (Martin Lawrence) didn’t do anything gross in Mike’s Car. After Almost 24 years Marcus couldn’t hang Mike’s driving. That just says either Marcus has Dystychiphobia or he just can’t handle Mike’s driving. If it is a cop movie car chase is recommended. Car chase scenes are one of the few things audience loves to watch.

‘One Last Time’

Hollywood movies have some key phrases that become a limelight of the movie. From Roger Murtaugh saying ‘I am too old for this’ in Lethal weapon to Bad Boys saying ‘One Last time’. After 17 years of the second movie in the Bad Boys franchise, this should be the last in the series. We just hope if there’s is another movie to be made in the franchise it should not take 17 years. Then we will be seeing Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in their 70s but still living their badass lifestyle.

Family issues

Apart from previous movies in the franchise, this film focuses on family vengeance rather than fighting criminals or gangsters. It’s like the studio was not ready with a good script and tries to copy fast and furious Family is Everything. Apart from some action sequences and seeing Will Smith and Martin Lawrence back onscreen the movie isn’t worth watching. If you watched previous films you’ll probably enjoy it only if you won’t see bad boys onscreen and not for the story.

Will Smith and Martin Lawrence last time bad-ass cops

Will Smith and Martin Lawrence are not in their prime, they are getting old and The Studio just made this movie to show the audience the end of their beloved Bad boys story. Both first and second installments were a great success and the audience was expecting the end of their badass cop retirement. Will Smith and Martin Lawrence played the best bad-ass cop characters audience have ever seen onscreen. Mike and Marcus are badass cops, they style their approach to dangerous situations. There is some speculation going on that there could be another bad boys movie, we just hope the studio doesn’t take another 17 years for the next movie.

Smith and Lawrence Bromance

Its almost 17 years since two paired up for a movie, but still, they have the same chemistry as they have a decade and a half before. The perfect bromance was shown when Mike was attacked and Marcus rather than retiring gets back to action for his buddy. It shows the real meaning of the love between best friends. Old movies shows the best depiction of bromance, in this film whenever we see a glimpse of bromance, the A.M.M.O. group shows up and ruins every great moment.

Aging Gracefully

One of the best things in the film is that the characters appreciated getting old. This should ruin the movie title as they are no longer boys but it’s fun to watch them one more time. Rather than looking, young characters express that they are not in their prime and getting old for their job. While seeing movies we just expect that we want to see this one more time like in Lethal weapon Roger Murtaugh say I am too old for this, but he never gets old for this.

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Hi, gurbi is a fashion blogger, designer, and fashion consultant. He is 25 yrs old man who love the world of fashion.