Traps Exercises at Home


Traps are one of the biggest muscles in our body, demands time and consistency to build it. Traps being the biggest muscles, yet get little attention when it comes to training. Not only developed traps make your back big but also make you look more muscular. Doing shrugs with barbell and dumbbells are the basic exercise to develop big traps. Does it? Yes in the gym but there are other several exercises for traps at home that help you build a big beast behind you. Traps is huge muscle but still, we know two or three exercises with dumbbells or barbells because traps get the least attention. So, let’s know what trap exercises do at home and still get the same results.

Image credit :Designed by Racool_studio / Freepik

Traps exercises at home

Dump out shrugs

This exercise is easy to perform, and doing with a regular routine you can expect a great development in your upper traps.


How to perform

● Stand straight with your arms up straight creating a straight line with your shoulders, and make sure your palms are facing the ceiling.

● Next, turn the palm down and move the shoulders up (bring close to ears) while squeezing the traps.

● Hold for one second and bring the shoulder to its initial position by rotating the palms up.

● Do this for 50 seconds (counted as one set) with a normal speed for 4 sets.

Upright y backs

The best exercise to target all three parts of traps i.e upper, mid, and lower trap. Triceps also plays a little role in this exercise.

How to perform

● Stand straight with your hands in front of you, maintaining a sufficient distance from the body.

● To perform the movement move your hands back behind and away from your body as much as possible.

● Squeeze the traps up when you move the hands behind.

● Hold this position for one second, then again move your hands back to the initial position (in front), close to each other.

● Do this exercise for 40 seconds (counted as one set) for 4 sets.

When you do this exercise you will feel the tension in your trapezius muscles. You have to make sure your traps come up when you move the hands behind you.


If you how to do namaste then you have done half of the exercise already. Yes, this exercise is a power pump exercise for your traps that you should include in your traps exercise at home.

How to perform

● Stand straight with your hands joined together in a namaste or prayer position.

● To perform the movement move your elbows up straight at the level of your shoulders. Make sure to squeeze the traps up when you bring the elbows up.

● Now, bring back elbows to its initial position to complete the rep.

● Do as many reps in 30 seconds to complete the one set. Complete 3 sets of this exercise.

Backhand close shrugs

A great exercise to activate and get burn in your traps. This exercise also increases the flexibility of the rotatory cap of shoulders.

How to perform

● Stand straight in your normal stance with your hand behind your back, holder together in a way that one hand is over the other hand.

● To get the movement right, move your traps up close to your ears, and squeeze them as hard as possible to really break the muscle fiber.

● Next, get back to the initial position. Do this up down Movement with the flow, and make sure hands are held tight with force.

● Do this movement for 30 to 35 seconds to complete one set. Complete 3 sets of this exercise to feel the pain in trapezius muscles.

Bag front shrugs

This exercise fulfills your gym need at home. Not only it targets your traps but also activate shoulder muscles at the same time. A bag is used as a dumbbell or barbell in this exercise. This movement is great to develop upper traps at home.

In bag exercises, you can put bricks, soil, or stones to add or increase the weight. And make sure to use a wide bag with a big sing stripe.

How to perform

● Hold the bag down in front of you, maintaining the normal distance between hands.

● To perform the movement move your traps and shoulders up while squeezing at the same time. Hold this position for 1.5 seconds and then release the tension by coming back to the initial position.

● This movement is the same as the front barbell shrugs we usually do in the gym.

● Do 12 to 15 reps of this exercise for 4 sets.

Bag behind shrugs

The best exercise for lower traps. This exercise is the same as behind barbell shrugs, usually performed in the gym.

How to perform

● Hold the bag down behind you in a way the same as you hold the bar.

● Now push traps up and squeeze them tight to put tension on muscles.

● Do 15 reps of this up-down movement for 4 sets.

Plank shrugs

Plank shrugs is a great way to target your trap and core at the same time. Do this exercise at the end of your workout.

How to perform

● Get yourself in a plank position. With your elbows down on the floor and body up.

● Perform the movement by squeezing your traps inwards tight, and then release back to the initial position.

● Do 15 to 20 reps of this exercise for 4 sets.

Front pull up shrugs

This exercise is a mass builder movement for your traps. This exercise is a copy of the barbell shrugs, we usually do in the gym.

How to perform

● Hold the bag down in front of you.

● perform the exercise by bringing the bag up to the shoulder position, in a way that your elbows are bent outwards.

● Bring the bag down to start position.

● Do 20 reps of this exercise for 4 sets.

Hi, gurbi is a fashion blogger, designer, and fashion consultant. He is 25 yrs old man who love the world of fashion.