Techniques to Raise Your Self Awareness : Discover the Real You

self awareness


Self Awareness

Healthy living is what defines your life and a healthy lifestyle is built when you are self-aware and self-conscious. But most people spend their life without concentrating and analyzing their real selves.

Self Awareness is an important aspect of everyone’s life. The less you are self-aware of the farther you from the real you. Sometimes you might think about what actually you want in your life, or about your personality. The answer to all these questions is hidden in self awareness.

Self awareness is knowing your strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, and beliefs. It’s an important part of emotional intelligence. Whether you taking to someone or giving reaction to an action, or how to perceive, all comes under self-awareness.


Why self awareness is important?

Self awareness teaches a lot that can help you in tackling difficult situations and bringing positivity despite the negativity in society or around you.

While building a strong personality and mind you need to be self-aware otherwise you might get lost in this world or lose the opportunity to express and live.

In short, you will have a clearer picture of yourself, better decision-making skills, more effective communication, higher productivity, and better and stable relationships.


Let me tell some examples of people who are self-aware and who are not.


Self awareness e.g. 1

A person can spend the whole day watching TV or surfing social media. These are qualities of a person who is not self-aware. They do this to avoid problems instead of getting to the root of a problem.

While self-aware people deal and handle the problems instead of wasting their time. Don’t think that these people don’t use social platforms. They do use but wisely.


Self awareness e.g. 2

People hide their emotions and feelings and choose the path of not telling and expressing them. And end up getting hurt and lead themselves to the life full of sorrows and depression. This is the life of a person who is not aware of themselves.

On the other hand, the self-aware people choose the path of happiness instead of hiding themselves in a closet. And lead a happy life.


From the above example, it can be seen that what role does self-awareness play in a person’s life. And how important it is in a person’s life.


A practice makes the man perfect” this quote fits here perfectly.

With immense practice and little effort, you can learn self analyzation. Come out of your comfort zone and start analyzing yourself.


What you should do to be self-aware?

Don’t worry about that. Here we have mentioned some of the practices that are widely followed and are easy to use. Don’t leave these practices in between but focus and make a habit of doing it regularly.

  • Analyze Your Personality Type
  • Enhance your Body Language
  • Practice Emotional Strengthening Exercise
  • Make a habit to say “NO” when necessary
  • Feedback
  • Learn New Skills
  • Make a timeline of your daily routine
  • Meditate


Let’s see these steps in detail and how they improve our inner selves.

  • Analyze your personality type

Analyzation is the key step to move forward and have a proper understanding of yourself. There are different personality type which governs human behavior. An extroverted observant personality type can be seen as the performer or who is more into entertaining people. These types of people have a friendly nature and are more concerned about well being of others. There are other types of personality traits like one with high thinking, the nurturers, and the visioners. To analyze it write down your strengths and weaknesses on a piece of paper. Then work on every point and practice to the core to make it work for you.

  • Enhance your body language

Body Language says a lot about you even before you speak. Develop a habit to analyze your body language and work on it. Don’t delay, instead work on it and be aware of yourself. Body language involves your facial expressions, eye gestures, and how we interact with other people. Surely it will take time but with continuous effort, you will get control over your it and improve your body language. It actually is a self-awareness where you know yourself. Here is what you should do, make eye contact, relax, don’t cross your arms as it’s a sign of not interested in talking. Shake hands and build the trust of people and indirectly your own self-esteem will become high.

  • Practice Emotional Strengthening Exercise

An emotionally strong personality leads the people and leads a very straightforward life. They tend to be less discouraged by criticism and rejections. And learn from their mistakes instead of regretting them. Work on your emotions and don’t ignore the importance it has on your life. Control and recover fast from difficult situations. Don’t self-isolate but share your emotions with the loved ones.

  • Self Awareness – Make a habit to say NO when necessary

The bitter truth whether you like it or not but saying NO is the most important weapon for various problems. Pleasing others doesn’t help but only make you feel inferior so that why it has become important to confidently say no wherever necessary. The ultimate goal is to know about yourself and develop your personality.

  • For self awareness – FEEDBACK

Feedback is a great source to know more about yourself. Ask people and your acquaintances for feedback about yourself. While half of the work is done when you get feedback. After that analyze this data and start working on the area where you are lacking. Know the importance of real you.

  • Learn New Skills

An update is required in every field so do you. So, don’t waste your precious time and start learning new skills. Eventually, it will enhance your personality. The farther you stay away from the real you, the lesser you reach the new heights. Participate in different events, increase your social interactions, in short advance yourself.

  • A timeline of daily routine helps in self analyzation

Take out a dairy or notepad and write down your daily routine in it. It’s an effective source of knowing yourself. Mark your strengths and weaknesses, and start analyzing. You should do this once every month to know how much you have improved.

  • Meditate – Must recommend a tip for self awareness

Meditation is a great way for self analyzation. It brings peace and keeps you away from all kinds of worries. It helps in controlling our subconscious mind. Practice it every day to improve Yourself.


At last, everything is about you. So, explore yourself, try new methods, develop skills and meditate until you succeed.

Hi, gurbi is a fashion blogger, designer, and fashion consultant. He is 25 yrs old man who love the world of fashion.