Eyes are the precious organ of our body because they speak a lot about you, even before you speak as they say eyes are the door to your soul. But intentionally or unintentionally we are doing some major harm to our eyes. your eyes demand care as your body. if you are going for an interview or any date your eyes play an important role because people make a connection with your eyes.
All people don’t have genetics that can give them natural green or blue eyes, but there are many good examples of people whose eyes look deep and attractive without any god-gifted green or blue eyes. It is not always sure that your eyes going to look great if you have a green or blue color, it all depends upon how you take care of your eyes and keep them clean.
So, if you are men who have lost the shiny attractiveness of your eyes, that can be corrected. Read this full article to understand how you can overcome this, and make your eyes a lot more attractive and clean.
The four main parts of your eyes.
The skin around your eyes
Problems that we are targeting.
- Red-eye
- Dark circles
- Eyelashes
- Eye moisture
Red-eye– red eye is the common problem every man has faced in their lifetime and you know it looks very interactive. Redness in the eye is caused due to many reasons
Not getting sleep- lack of sleep can lead to puffy eyes, dry eyes. Sleep is important for your health but also for your eyes. Sleep is also the reason for temporary redness in your eyes.
Screen time – Your screen time is high throughout the day maybe because of your profession or Mobile addiction. The reason may be anything but when you don’t blink your eyes for a period of time your eyes become red and can lead to a weakening of eyesight.
Allergy – This is an individual problem anyone can have in them. If you have an allergy to something it still can make your eyes red.
Alcohol and drug- say no to alcohol and drug if you want your eyes to look attractive and wide. Consuming alcohol and drug on a daily basis can make your eyes red all the time. Which carries
out of all the attractions even if you have green or blues eyes it doesn’t matter your eyes still going to look unattractive.
How to take care of your eyes
Eye drops
Use eye drops daily before going to bed at night. This will reduce the redness in your eyes caused by not taking enough sleep or allergies. Daily use of eye drops will make your eyeballs white and attractive.
If you don’t want to use eye drops you can apply honey with your finger on your eyeball boundaries it will clean your eyes and remove all dirt particles from eyes.
White eyeballs look more clean and attractive. If you have common black or brown color eyes, having a white eyeball will increase your attractiveness and you come as an attractive man.
If you are confused about which eye drops to use please consider a doctor help because there are many brands present in the market but using a wrong eye solution besides having allergy can be proved bad for you.
Consider doctor help if you have any type of allergy or you can apply honey which is also a great option for you.
Good sleep
Getting not enough sleep will make your eye blood vessels pop out and can cause puffiness, redness, or dark circles. To avoid all these that will make your eyes worse and decrease your attractiveness get a good 7-8 hours of sleep in a day. Getting good sleep not only helps you in making your eyes clean but also increase the glow on your face.
Now, we have discussed good sleep importance. But what if have puffiness or dark circles under your eyes?, How to get rid of them?
We have some great natural ways that can reduce the puffiness and dark circles around your eyes.

Apply Cucumber
yes, applying slices of cucumber on your eyes for 20 to 30 minutes can decrease the puffiness under your eyes.
Apply Potato
Applying potato on your eyes for a few minutes can cure the dark circles around your eyes. Make sure to apply it at night time before sleeping or when you’re not going out in a day that way it works best.
Green tea bags
Teabags help to shrink the blood vessels around your eyes which can cure the puffiness and dark circles.
To apply green tea bags. Wash them with water and keep them chill in the refrigerator for 10 to 20 minutes, then apply on your eyes for a few minutes. It will also provide relaxation to your eyes muscles.
You can also use this after hours of screen time to slow down the blood in your eyes.
Apply glasses
Apply glasses during screen time to decrease the effect of glare caused by a spectrum of harsh lights. Glasses help in relaxing the eye muscles and protect it from harsh light effects.
Apply sunglasses when you are going out under the sun. They will protect your eyes from harmful UV rays. In summers make sure to go with sunglasses that can protect you and make you look cool. If you want to know how to select and best sunglasses for you, must read this article-
Best Sunglasses For Men 2020 List With (Style Guide)
Don’t itch hard
when you have itching in your eyes don’t rub your fingers directly on your eyes, directly rubbing too hard on eyes can damage the tiny blood vessels beneath its surface. And if your hands are not clean you directly pass the germs to your eyes, which can cause irritation and redness in your eyes.
If you are feeling itching in the eye gently calm it down with your hand, don’t go too hard.
Eat Vegetables
Many studies have proved green vegetables to be the best source for your eyes.
All green leafy vegetables are rich in zeaxanthin and lutein which are the best and important nutrients for your eyes.
Include more green leafy vegetables in your diet if you want those attractive and clean eyes.
As we do exercise for our body to stay fit, our eyes muscles also need some exercise. There are a few exercises for your eyes like
Moving the eyes in a circular motion for a few minutes and closing your eyes strongly can activate the movement of your eyes muscles.
Apply a good cream on the skin around your eyes because the skin around you has few inactive oil glands which make it dry.
To give the moisture to the skin apply a good quality product.
Always moisturize skin after washing your face to open the pores of your skin.
Drink water
Drinking a good amount of water during the daytime help in maintaining the water level in the eyes and make it look fresh and clean.
If you don’t drink a sufficient amount of water your eyes will become dry and dull and that’s not what you will ever want.
Maintain eyelashes
eyelashes play a crucial role in how your eyes going to look. Bigger eyelashes are suited best for your eyes but you can do little about this.
You can apply hair growth products for your eyelashes but that’s not mandatory. Only apply those men who have very few hairs.
What if you have good eyelashes but never paid attention to its grooming. Yes, you need to get your eyelashes straight upwards that will increase the attractiveness of your eyes.
Use water to lift your hair gently with your hand, or you can use eyelashes comb to pick the hair up and straight.