Glute Activation Exercises at Home

Music photo created by diana.grytsku - Music photo created by diana.grytsku -

Is it ok perform glute activation exercises at home?

Yes, it alright to stretch and strengthen your muscles with glute activation exercises at home. Performing proper glute activation exercises is the first step to strengthen them. If you are thinking, you have done squats in your workout, your glutes should be activated. Well, you could not be more wrong?

The truth is, it is difficult to activate your glutes correctly. It doesn’t matter if you are at your home or at the gym, only exercises mentioned below are going to help you truly activate your glute muscles.

Image CreditMusic photo created by diana.grytsku –
Image Credit-Music photo created by diana.grytsku –


There is a reason why it tough to properly activate your glutes properly. Well, most stretching exercises are not able to put tension on the glutes. There are only a few stretching exercises that will able to activate your glutes.

Well we are taking quite a lot about glutes activation, so let’s discuss

What is glute activation?

Glute activation refers to ‘activating’  the gluteal muscles. Your glutes are made up of three different muscles—the gluteus maximus (the largest muscle), the gluteus medius, and the gluteus minimus. And the process of activating these muscles makes them firmer and stronger.

There are some mandatory glute exercises mentioned below which help to get rid of the pain or cramp in your glutes. Performing proper glute activation exercises at home will benefit in your posture and strengthen your gluteal muscles.

Why do you need glute activation?

In this modern world, Sitting at a computer, on a couch, and in a car or leads to weak glute muscles and has a bad effect on your body. It can lead to an imbalance posture or can hurt your pelvic position and in some cases serious back pain problems.

In many individuals, there is a posture or health problem going on due to the inactive glutes. The inactive glutes are a major indication of weak gluteal muscle and the body is not healthy. Weak glute muscle will also has a bad effect on when performing exercises, like performing Squats – you will have a difficulty in extending your hips properly.

Without glute activation, you will be unable to perform at your best level as most of our power to perform any movement comes from the posterior chain ( backside muscles). This problem is going to get worse every day.

Glute activation can help you reduce your risk of injury while performing heavy movements and also going to benefit your overactive hip flexors with reducing the tension between them. The proper glute activation is going to fire up every lower body muscle to its full extent and strengthen in the long run.

Glute activation exercises at home

Glute activation exercises at home are different from you can perform in the gym. With a lack of equipment, it is difficult to hit the muscles correctly. So how you perform glute activation exercises at home?

It is simple, the most important thing is to hit all those glute muscles from every different angle, so we don’t miss any one of them. Getting a stronger butt is a plus point while performing these exercises. It is important to know that these exercises are not going to change the shape of your glutes. These exercises are only to activate those muscles and strengthen them from inside.

Pretzel Side Kick

Pretzel Side Kick in Glute activation exercises at home
“Designed by Freepik”

● Start seated on the yoga mat with your left knee bent directly in front of your hip.
● Place your right knee bent behind your right hip.
● Rotate your torso and place your hands on either side of your left knee.
● Keep your right leg extend to kick and leg parallel to the floor.
● Switch legs and repeat.

Glute Bridge

Glute Bridge in Glute activation exercises at home
Designed By Freepik

● Lie flat on your yoga mat, keeping your back straight.
● Bend your knees to 90 degrees.
● Raise your pelvis off the floor until your body forms one straight line from chin to knee.
● Hold for 5 seconds and get back to the original position.
● Repeat for 15 reps.

Pistol Squat

Pistol Squat in Glute activation exercises at home

● Stand straight on the left leg and right leg lifted slightly forward to start.
● Bend your left knee by bringing your hips backward and hold your right leg.
● Stand back on your left leg without touching your right leg on the ground.
● Switch legs and repeat.

Reverse lunge

Reverse lunges in Glute activation exercises at home
Designed By Freepikexercises for strong body

● Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and step backward with your left foot.
● Lower your hips so that your right thigh is parallel to the floor.
● Your left knee should be bent at a 90-degree angle.
● Hold for 5 seconds and get back to the original position.
● Repeat for 15 reps.

Bulgarian split squat

Bulgarian split squat in Glute activation exercises at home
Designed By Freepik

● Stand straight while facing away from a bench and raise one leg and put it on the bench.
● Bend your knees to lower so the front thigh is parallel to the floor.
● And the rear thigh is nearly touching the ground.
● Hold for 5 seconds and get back to the original position.
● Switch legs and repeat.

Donkey kick

Donkey Kick in Glute activation exercises at home

● Lie down on the floor with your back facing the seeling.
● Start on your hands and knees with your back straight.
● Keep your right knee bent at 90 degrees and flex the foot as you lift the knee until it is level with the hip.
● Lower the knee and get back to the original position.
● Switch legs and repeat.

Hip Hinge

Hip Hinge in Glute activation exercises at home
Designed by user18526052 / Freepik

● Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart.
● Don’t bend your knees with pushing your hips backward.
● Touch the floor with your hands.
● Return to original position and Repeat.

Box jump

box jump in exercise in Glute activation exercises at home
“Designed By Freepik”

● Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart, away from a box.
● Sightly bend both your knees and Jump on the box.
● Return to original position, keep your legs joined.
● Repeat for 15 reps.


● Stand in front of the step or platform and place the right foot on the step.
● Pressing into the heel, step up, touching the left toes to the step.
● Take the left foot down to the floor and keep the right foot on the step.
● Switch legs and repeat.


● Lie on your side, with legs stacked and knees bent at a 90-degree angle.
● Open your knees as far as you can, without moving your upper body.
● Return to the original position.
● Repeat for 10 reps.


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Hi, gurbi is a fashion blogger, designer, and fashion consultant. He is 25 yrs old man who love the world of fashion.