Can Almond Milk Cause Constipation

Can Almond Milk Cause Constipation

Almond milk is a great source of nutrition and that’s why it’s is widely popular among people. It is enriched with vitamin E, has a low-calorie deficit and people can get enough of the test. However, people who drink milk are suffering from constipation. It’s unusual as almonds are good for the digestive system including getting rid of constipation or diarrhea. So how come constipation from almond milk has so many benefits? Let’s find out what causes this constipation and how to get relief from it!

Can Almond Milk Cause Constipation

Yes, almond milk can cause constipation. Generally, there have been several cases where people faced issues after the consumption of almond milk, that includes constipation, bloating, gastric issues, and frequent nausea. Constipation occurs when bowel movements become less frequent. One of the prime reasons for constipation in adults is sudden changes in diet plan, or due to inadequate intake of fiber.

Commercial almond milk can cause constipation because it contains additives, sweeteners, and preservatives that affect the digestive system. Although, if you drink homemade almond milk rather than commercial almond milk, you will not suffer from constipation as these lack additives and carrageenan.

However, in theory, almonds are a rich source of fiber and magnesium. The combination of these nutrients boosts immunity and aid in constipation relief. Thus, it is widely popular among people to eat almonds and other nuts to get rid of constipation.


Although almond milk comes in different categories, it is commercially processed milk with added additives and preservatives. However, not all store almond milk brands cause constipation, some of these tend to trigger stomach upsets, including constipation. Check out which almond milk can cause constipation to you.

  1. Some almond milk brands include calcium carbonate in the end product to increase the calcium quantity in the almond milk. This changes the composition of the milk and provides enough calcium which is impossible from a plan-based product. In addition, few brands use highly concentrated calcium carbonate in the milk which is the reason why people suffer from stomach problems in just a few hours o drinking milk. If that happens to you, the almond milk must use highly concentered calcium carbonate.
  2. Artificial flavors are always added to almost every commercial-produced product. Similarly, almond milk you find on the Walmart shelves must be filled with artificial flavors to enhance the almond milk’s taste. Constipation and stomach problem are the first steps of health problems after eating or drinking food with added additives and preservatives, other Some health risks include allergic reactions, worsening of asthmatic symptoms. abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.
  3.  People who suffer from nut allergies can suffer from constipation or other stomach problems. As almond milk is extracted from almonds. Thus, it is suitable for people to avoid almond milk if they have any nut allergies.
  4. Carrageenan is one of the questionable additives that is widely used in almond milk, but now it is banned by the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) and will no longer permit carrageenan to be used as an additive in organic food, including almond milk. Before buying almond milk, check the ingredient list and avoid if it contains Carrageenan.

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Can Almond Milk Cause Constipation In Toddlers?

Yes, almond milk can cause constiaption and other digestive problems in toddlers because almond milk contains high fiber content, which is too much for toddlers, or babies’ digestive systems. Toddlers’ diet should contain high-fat content, for proper brain development and gross motor skills, which can only be prepared with animal-based milk than nut-based milk like almond milk.

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How To Relieve Almond Milk Constipation?

To relieve almond milk constipation, the first step is to make sure what is causing constipation, in this case, is it almond milk or some other product in your diet routine.

Tip 1: Stop drinking almond milk

It’s the best way to check whether constipation occurred due to almond milk or not. If you are suffering from constipation after 2 days of quitting almond milk, check other food you eat that may have caused your constipation.

Tip 2: Make Homemade Almond milk

If you suffer from store-based almond milk, you can switch to homemade almonds as it is free from additives and preservatives. Make homemade almond milk by using Raw Almonds, Water, High-Speed Blender, and Nut Milk Bag.

Step 1: The first step is to soak almonds overnight in cool water. In the morning, drain out the water.

Step 2: Add almonds to the High-Speed Blender along with water, salt, and organic add-ins for your taste (like dates, vanilla, cacao powder, or berries).

Step 3: Blend the mixture for 2 minutes, then prepare it by straining using the nut milk bag. It is done to make the almond milk smooth. Your homemade almond milk is ready and free from any sweetener or additives.

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Almond Milk Benefits

High in vitamin E

Almonds milk protects the cells from radical damage, because of the huge Vitamin E levels. Due to excess concentration, the risk of heart health decreases along with skin conditions. 

Only a single cup of almond milk (240 ml) is filled with 110% of the daily value of Vitamin required to a human body. Thus, only a single cup is more than enough to fulfill your Vitamin E needs in the body. 

Benefits for the Heart

As almond milk doesn’t contain any cholesterol or saturated fat, it is very beneficial for heart health. In addition, almond milk is also low in sodium, but high in omega fatty acids that prevent high blood pressure.


Almond milk is not a dairy product, so people who suffer from lactose intolerance can drink this. 

The decreased sugar level in the body

If you choose almond milk with no additives, there is no impact on the blood sugar level of the person. Also, almond milk is low in carbs, which ultimately reduces the risk of diabetes. 

Muscle Healing

Despite the low level of protein, only 1 g per cup in the almond milk, there is an excess of Vitamin B in the almond milk such as iron and riboflavin. These are mostly used for muscle healing and growth

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Almond Milk Nutrition Chart

The nutritional level of almond milk pet cup (240 ml) includes:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 39 g
Fat  3 g
Carbohydrates 3.5 g
Protein 1 g
Calcium 24% of the DV (
Fiber 0.5 g
Sugar  2 g
Vitamin E 110% of the DV ( 16.6 g) 
Sodium 189 mg
Potassium 4% of the DV
Vitamin D 18% of the DV


As compared to cow’s milk, almond milk has a very low-calorie amount of 39 g per cup (240 ml). In addition, almond milk is rich in Vitamin E( a fat-soluble antioxidant), 

However, almond milk lacks Calcium levels with only 24% of the Daily Value a human requires and Vitamin D level, because they are artificially added. 

Also, almond milk has a low Protein level of 1 gram per cup(240 ml) which is very low as compared to cow’s milk of 8 g per cup (240 ml). 

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Almond Milk Side Effects

Although almond milk has several benefits, before consuming any products, it’s best to look at its potential side effects. So here are the possible side effects of almond milk, if consumed. 

Nut Allergies

If you have a history of nut allergies, it’s better to avoid almond milk as it’s is derived from almonds. People who have allergies will face certain health problems after consuming almond milk like swelling in the facial region, nausea, and diarrhea. 

Low Protein Level

An average Protein level in almond milk is 1 gram per cup (240 ml), while on the other hand, cow’s milk has 8 grams of protein per cup (240 ml). 

Protein is important for the human body as it boosts muscle growth, improves cardiovascular health, and boosts immunity. 

Disturbance On Thyroid Gland

Almond milk is a goitrogenic food, which means it has certain chemicals which are harmful to the thyroid glands. This issue generally occurs when almond milk is consumed in high proportions. Also, the composition of almond milk causes the swelling of thyroid glands, which results in the absorption and assimilation of iodine in the body.

Issues with Babies

If you are using almond milk as an alternative to breast milk or formula, you can cause severe health damage to the infants. Almond milk does not contain the appropriate level of nutrition for infants to feed. 

Although, almond milk pisses certain nutrition levels kids below should avoid drinking almond milk. 

Skin Reactions

Almond milk can do wonders for your health because of its rich nutritional content, but some people face skin reactions after consuming almond milk. The skin reaction includes itching, eczema, and hives. A person can feel this skin reaction within 10 minutes to 1 hour of consuming almond milk. 

Breathing And Respiration Issues

Although almond milk doesn’t promote respiratory problems, there are cases among asthmatic patients regarding the consumption of almond milk. People who suffer from any respiratory problems should avoid almond milk, as it can create problems for them. 

Added additives

Generally, processed almond milk contains additives, such as sugar, salt, gums, flavors, lecithin, and carrageenan (types of emulsifiers).

Also, the sugar level in almond milk is very high, which is harmful to a person’s health. 

Low Calcium Level

Milk is one of the time sources of calcium across the globe. However, almond milk is a suitable option, as it only has a very low calcium level as compared to cow’s milk. Calcium is great for the body as it helps to maintain healthy bones. 

Low Vitamin D

Although, the level is not low as compared to cow’s milk, in almond milk the vitamin D is added artificially in the manufacturing process. 

It’s important to keep the side effects of any food before consuming it and adding it to your diet plan. However, if you are facing side effects of almond milk, then it’s better to another milk with a better nutrition level. Some other almond milk alternatives are soy milk, oat milk, rice milk, cows milk, and many more. 


Almond milk is widely popular nut milk due to its non-lactose intolerance and its higher nutrition content. However, almond milk is not for everyone, as people may suffer from constipation and other digestion problems after drinking almond milk, because of high additives found in commercial almond milk or people who suffer from nut allergies. If you like the tastes of almond milk, you can choose other substitutes of almond milk like soy milk, oat milk, rice milk, or cow’s milk.

Hi, gurbi is a fashion blogger, designer, and fashion consultant. He is 25 yrs old man who love the world of fashion.