Best Alpha Male Character in Movies – Guide to Develop your personality

alpha male movies

If you are looking for the perfect alpha male movies, check out our list. But first the simple question arises, what do you think when you hear alpha male?

What are alpha males?

Alpha males are defined as certain males that tend to dominate or leave the mark in a crowd. Confused! Just recall any moment in your life when someone enters and the whole crowd is attracted to that person without any reason. This person is an alpha male character, you can see a similar portrayal in movies.

Which people are considered as alpha males?

Alpha male is the person who does anything he desires. He take action no matter what the risk. There are different qualities a person has which makes him a true alpha male. But we have clear something, society has the opinion that Alpha Males are only interested in hooking up with women.

Alpha males are people that are somewhat obsessed over something and live life by his own rules and beliefs. We find these people everywhere, they are hardworking, confident, and passionate about their life goals.CEO of the company obsessed about making his company rank first and earning a lot of money.


Does every male should try to be an alpha male?

The answer is no, every person is different, each person wants something different from his life. It’s not mandatory that if an alpha male is doing something you should do it. If you are doing the same thing you are not being alpha. You are just a copycat. Alpha males do the things that they wanna do, not just that if another person is doing so he just do It too.

Which characteristics you should acquire from an alpha male character in Movies?

Every alpha character on our list is different. All characters have different perspectives towards life, different lives and some things are and some are bad. We have provided you the list of alpha male Character movies, go check out the list.

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1. Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight

In the Batman era, Joker is the leading villain of all times. From his introduction in comics to The dark knight, the joker has been loved by the audience for his dark character. His desire to bring chaos in the world without possessing any superhuman abilities made him the iconic villain of all time. In previous films, the joker character is not very well portrayed, where he is shown a psychopath or a goofy prankster. In The Dark Knight, Health ledger portrayed as Joker and he did a marvelous job.

The main question rises why the heath ledger’s joker character is considered as alpha? If you think it is  For his evil or psychopath personality. You got it all wrong . Joker character is more than this, all of his actions are defined to change the moral dilemma of every person. He is one of the carefree villain ever, he doesn’t care about seeking revenge, money, or power. Without physically hurting his enemies, he devises situations that change humans moral code. Joker is one and only comic villain, that is known as alpha.

2. Denzel Washington in  American Gangster

 Based on the true story of a crime lord Frank Lucas. We will not be talking about the real Frank Lucas, but his portrayal by Denzel Washington. The actor shows us the gangster looks like, smooth and calm from outside but inside is the real devil. The character of Lucas is complicated, on one side he is the drug lord of New York and on the other hand, he is a normal family man.

Denzel makes the perfect alpha male character in Movies, he prefers keeping a low profile and no flashy things like rings on his fingers or gold around his neck. The only motive is to be the greatest drug lord ever. With his simple personality from outside, he deflects everyone to find the real Frank Lucas. Playing every mafia member to the FBI authorities, nobody could ever believe that a normal family man is the real gangster drug lord.

3. Brad Pitt in Fight Club

There’s a reason why men like fighting, some people do it to release anger, some do it for sport and some have the desire for it. Alpha males are those people that make everyone follow them with their attitude. Their desire to want something and to pursue any method to achieve his goal is what makes them different. Brad Pitt shows the characteristic of an alpha, convincing people to join the fight club and do nasty things to bring the chaos in the world.

The reason why he wanna do that? He just feels it, he likes to live life by his own rules, he makes every man to join fight club to engage them to believe that nothing matters in the world. Every person is attracted to his amazing personality. Brad Pitt is the alpha male, he controls and manipulates every one through words and threaten the ethical code in a human being. He just don’t give a f*** about the world.

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4. Marlon Brando in The Godfather

The title itself suggests what a badass movie could it be. One of the best crime thriller ever created in the entire history. The movie got it all, with. A list of actors, guns, family drama everything you ever wish for. Every gangster movie has one alpha character that dominates everyone and in this, it is Don Corleone. His charming personality and his bold voice could make anyone Terrified of him. Don Corleone being the head of the mafia family manages to rule over everybody and being ruthless to anyone who stands in his way.

Alpha males always maintain keeping order and want to dominate everyone. The awesome trait about his personality his that he only focuses on keeping his family at the top. Being an alpha male doesn’t always that you should be careless, the only thing matters is what you think matters the most for you.

5. Tom Cruise in Top Gun

Why the handsome man wouldn’t be on our list? His good looks and charming personality make him a perfect alpha. Top cruise became a legend with the cocky fighter jet pilot. Let’s discuss what qualities made him a perfect alpha. Every one of these traits should be learned and use by man to boost his personality and it the first step of becoming an alpha. Tom cruise poses a confident and doesn’t back off for anyone if he is right. This was displayed in one of the scenes in Top Gun.

Let us recall, Tom stands his ground and let his flight instructor to know that she is wrong. The scene is perfectly combined with Tom hitting on the flight instructor the night before. The true alpha male always maintain his ground and never back off. Tom displays confidence and willing to stand his ground to his superiors.

6. James Robinson in Braveheart

One of the incredible speeches ever we have seen in movies. One of the important questions asked by Prince William that raise questions about the freedom of people. What are they going to do for their freedom? If the speech is said by any other person, the people did not have stayed and fight for their freedom. You are thinking why? It is because of the way the William personality and how he said that. He is the prince of the people and his devotion to his people’s freedom was a great impact.

Alpha males traits are found in William in Braveheart. His devotion to his people and his speech that made million people fight. The true alpha is the one that people look forward to in any situation.

7. Ryan Gosling in Crazy stupid love

Some people have an opinion that a womanizer is an alpha but that’s not the case. We are not choosing Ryan Gosling for his womanizing skills but his perspective towards living life. Ryan Gosling is not afraid of getting rejected and takes it as a compliment. Lots of people have not this quality and this trait makes the character worth watching on screen.

Ryan Gosling performance was extraordinary just leave the part of his one night stand and he is the person every man should be. The charm, confidence always work wit the ladies, and at the end of the movie his only flaw changes. Characteristics of Alpha males are that he finds the right woman he never leaves her for any other woman.

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8. Bruce Willis Die-hard

Bruce Willis first movie that made the audience fall for him. His dashing personality, bold voice and dialogue delivery made him a heartthrob of every girl in the West Village. A cop destined to fight evil is what makes him an alpha. Bruce Willis portrays a cop, that takes every measure to save his wife and the people from the terrorist act.

The true alpha is the one that people look forward to in any situation. The character remains clam in every situation and with his punch dialogues like Come out the coast, we’ll get together, have a few laughs…’” is what true alpha male is all about.

9. Robert Downey Jr in Iron man

The Godfather of Marvel Robert Downey Jr known as Tony Stark. One of the coolest personalities we have ever seen across in our lifetime. Robert Downey Jr portrays a man ” that is not liked by anyone but are forced to like him”. Tony stark is a true alpha male. He is As Tony stark said “Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.” No one can match the level of Tony stark.

The only superhero that made other superhero’s to be dependent on him in any situation. Above all Every trait that a perfect alpha male should have, Tony stark has it and some times even more. The true alpha never back off in any situation and if you saw the iron man movies, you know that Tony stark, is an Alpha male who never gives up.

10. Vin Diesel in Fast and furious

The ultimate franchise that started in 2001 still rocking in 2020. The reason behind the enormous success of the movie is Vin Diesel.  His role as Dominic Toretto, live in every car lover. Vin Diesel portrayed many classic characters that are alpha males like in xxx the next level. Vin Diesel key performance as the Dominic Toretto shows the person only cares about two things, family and racing.

These are two things that made Vin Diesel character to go to any extent. This shows the true alpha male phenomenon. The dedication to Pursue any task and to take any risk no matters the danger is what makes a perfect alpha male.

Hi, gurbi is a fashion blogger, designer, and fashion consultant. He is 25 yrs old man who love the world of fashion.