8 Principles of “Think and Grow Rich” that Govern your Life

Think and grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich” written by Napoleon Hill. Hill was an American author who always loved the topics of development. He wrote self-development books that inspired people all over the world. This book date back to the times of the Great Depression but the ideas and rules apply even today. As the title in itself Think and Grow Rich, inspire people to how to get rich and successful. The author studied the workings of rich people and combined all their results in his book, “Think and Grow Rich”. So let’s discuss the principles of becoming rich from the book.

Think and Grow Rich

1.Difference between Wish and Desire

Hill spends a great deal of the book explaining desire. He tries to differentiate between the much similar wish and burning desire to have want you wish. According to him, the burning desire is truly wanting something and hard work, and that will make it achievable. Your burning desire for something creates a picture of what you will become. Your desire has to be a burning desire, when you make a decision to attain your desire, you should leave everything that comes in your way as an obstacle to your goal.


Desire is accomplished by faith. If you have the faith in becoming rich you become rich. If any doubts persist, the chances are you lose the desire to reach those heights. Negative thoughts, doubts, the feeling of hatred can destroy your belief. You have to regularly keep on pushing yourself to believe in yourself and in your dreams.



Whatever the niche you choose to work in, work like successful people. Successful and rich people have always specialized in their field. Knowledge and experience teach the reason and importance of having a field. And you should aim to become an expert in whatever field you choose.


Imagination shapes create new ideas and knowledge to make them a reality. Knowledge and imagination create extremely powerful combinations to give you new wings. Develop the power of self-motivation, innovation through imagination.

5.Organized planning

Without proper solid planning, imagination is worthless. Planning the amount of time, hard work you need to do, learning you require to achieve the amount you have fixed you will surely earn is what the author describes as organized planning.


Becoming a leader benefits more than becoming a follower. But to start as a follower and learning leadership is what successful people have always followed the path to growth.

7.Decision making

Decision making is the quality of becoming a leader. Hill emphasizes that a leader knows the right time to the right decision. Realizing the power of choice will lead to the road of success. Most of the time we take too long to make decisions in life,  successful people also at first take the time to make a decision, but now they have mastered making it quick.

8.Never give up

Failure is inevitable, to achieve goals might take that long you are not prepared to wait for. Persistence gives a perspective to keep moving on that road not taken. Persistence is the direct result in making a habit.

Final Thought

It takes time to form the changes which will cause your success, but once you’ve followed these steps you’ll be headed within the right direction (as the book suggests).

  • Write your statement of desire (SOD) & Repeat it Twice with faith that it can happen.
  • Seek out the resources you’ll need, and save them. Continually increase this vault of data , as you discover them.
  • Plan time once every week to quietly ponder problems you’re facing, plan to use your creativity and knowledge to form decisions quickly and adjust your plans as required .
  • Plan time for weekly reflection, answering the subsequent questions:
  • Am I using my Mastermind effectively?
  • Have I been creative and actively seeking knowledge as required to form decisions and plan accordingly?
  • Am I persistently chasing my success, is my desire burning, or am I dalliance and avoiding it?
  • Am I repeating my SOD a day, twice each day, with faith for autosuggestion?

It’s intriguing, and a touch odd, to know the author’s and his research participants’ ideas of being successful. Certain aspects add up, while others seem outlandish and quirky. But, to urge different leads to life, we should try to do something different. See also:

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Hi, gurbi is a fashion blogger, designer, and fashion consultant. He is 25 yrs old man who love the world of fashion.