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The Best 7 Horror Movies of 2019

The horror genre is the most profitable genre is also one of the most exciting vessels for filmmaking talent, a means of entertaining and...
The power of saying No

Benefits of saying no : 5 lifechanging benefits

" Yes,'' is a three-letter word that affects our life both positively and negatively. We mostly seem to find the easiest way to get...
Netflix coming July 2020

Here’s Everything Coming To Netflix — And Returning— In July 2020

Credit-Technology photo created by freepik Netflix constantly updates new shows and films every month. Some highlights for July include the kissing booth sequel, which will be...

Tom Hardy Best Badass Character Movies List in 2020

Image Courtesy -Tim Cornbill / CC BY-SA Tom Hardy is a name we have seen in many blockbuster films of the past decade. The actor...

How to eat like a Farmer ?

Unlike a professional athlete or boxer, a farmer generally doesn't take measurements on how much protein he/ she consumes per meal. A farmer's mind...