Human Psychology

Human Psychology & Self Development Tips

How to become confident? – Useful tips

Confidence is more of an inside game but it does leave a clue & that's what we are going to be looking for. How...

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Sitting Position For Bigger Hips

Sitting Position For Bigger Hips – Unlocking the Secrets

On average in the US, most people sit for more than 8 hours a day. And we all know sitting for that long is...
Quality Clothing Brands That Are Affordable

High Quality Clothing Brands That Are Affordable Enough for Everyone

Many of the affordable clothing brands out there have a reputation for being cheap and not in a good way. Their clothes are often made...
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Worst Movie Sequels Ever Made

When a movie hits the theatres it left the audience wonders that does it will have a sequel. In general, it is assumed that...
books to help stop overthinking

Put an End to Rehashing, Second-guessing and Catastrophic Predictions

Overthinking is just the art of creating problems that don't exist. You know that 90%of the thoughts in our mind are useless and have...
sunglassses according to face shape

Best Sunglasses according to face shape

credit: freepik Sunglasses are something that provides you function and gives a cool vibe when you wear it on your face. It is a bit...