family movies

Gather your family, bring snacks, and make your bond stronger: the best family movies lies ahead!

Difficulty deciding a movie that everyone wants to watch is tough. Every family member has a different choice in movies, we have handpicked movies consist of 90s classic, action, drama, animated movies, and popular movies like Harry Potter. In our busy lives, Family movie time is the only time to be bonding with family. So it’s best to decide to choose the great movie that makes your family movie night incredible. So if you are looking to select a movie that everybody would want to watch check out our list for the best family movies till 2020.

Best Family movies

10.The Karate kid

The first installment of the Karate kid series is the best staring Ralph Macchio, William Zabka, and Pat Morita. It’s one the first movie that showed Karate movies can also work in American cinema. The movie was so successful that filmmakers didn’t take time and presented us with the sequel in1986. This movie raised an issue about bullying in schools and colleges. The audience admired the lead kid star fighting for his dignity and made it a classic 90s movie to watch with family. This movie started an era of martial arts not only in the cinema business but also in a lot of martial arts coaching centers started. kids areally admired Daniel for his brave character and it the strongest kid star we have seen in the entire history of cinema.


9.The Hunger Games

Best movie for parents to encourage their kids to be brave and never give up under any circumstances. Jennifer Lawrence’s performance was exceptional, it the best movie in her entire
career. Lawrence Fighting for her survival during the tournament, the audience loves this stuff. Real life-like action, emotion, drama there is nothing that this movie missed. We can’t say that it is better than the novel as the scene are not precise. The movie believes in gender equality and that’s what more important and we appreciate Director Gary Ross for it. Jennifer Lawrence strong female character is what we look for a family entertainer movie and this movie showed us that.

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8.The Incredibles

In our life at some point, we wanna have a superpower either it’s flying, run very fast to be ultra-flexible. This is movie is a kind of superhero movie but with a small difference. Normally people love superheroes but in this scenario, the superheroes are not loved by the people. Hence, superheroes are forced to retire and live a normal life. Pixer has done a lot of hard work to bring this movie on the big screen. This movie shows that whether it’s a superhero family or a normal family, teamwork is important. At the end of the line, only our family which we can trust.

7.Home Alone

There are 5 Home Alone movies. But we first film is the best one in the entire series. It’s one of the Christmas classic movies that people love to watch on Christmas Eve with their families. The movie about a young kid, courage, and bravery that face the problems when left alone by their families. Young kids fighting burglars with amazing tricks are what we want to watch on family night. This comedy classic is seemed unrealistic that any parent will leave their kid behind and not notice for an entire trip. Macaulay Culkin’s performance for Kevin McCallister is extraordinary. He got nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor.

6.Despicable Me

We love old villain movies, Hero beat villain and everybody lives happily. But this time Pixar offered us a story that didn’t include a hero, just a villain that later turned out to be good. It’s one the funniest movie of 2010with amazing animation and cinematography. The audience favorite thing about this movie is humor. It combines the number of jokes and comedy scenes that not only make Giggles to kids but also for adults. This is a story about a criminal that later be changed to good. The love of three girls changed him to be a better man. Love has an unconditional power it can make evil changed to good.

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Everyone heard the story of two sisters, that changed how we see Disney princess. Released in 2013 this is one one the highest grosser animated movies. With amazing animation and songs that are worth listening to, this movie hasn’t let down any expectations for the audience. The journey of two sisters with touches of humor and comedy sequences is what makes it the best family movie. It shows the eternal bond between a sister and no matter the circumstances family is always there in time of need. If you haven’t seen it, go and watch it. It will be an amazing experience and you’ll thank me for it.


Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is in it and that’s all the reason to watch this movie. Disney comes up with an exceptional story about courage, faith, and love. A young set to an adventure to save her tribe people with the help of Dwayne Johnson character Maui. With amazing music and exceptional animation, the movie is one of the greatest hits of 2016. The audience admired Moana character of her faith and hope to save her tribe people. She sets on an adventure, despite knowing anything about sailing. It shows one of the greatest female characters the audience has ever seen.

3.All The “Harry Potter ” Films

Jk Rowling’s magical wizard story is loved by everyone no matter the age. It’s one of the best movies we watched when we were kids and still love it. It’s the dream of every kid to go to Hogwarts. It’s not just the magic that excited but also the characters that made this movie a magical experience for the audience. The movie story is about the journey of an orphan boy that nobody knows, which later be the most powerful and popular wizard in the entire history. If you haven’t seen it we don’t want to spoil it for you. You can also read the novel first then enjoy the movie. This is one of the best family entertainer movie ever of all time.

2.The Goonies

Treasure hunt film is what the audience lives for. But this time it’s slightly different, the treasure hunters are not adults but are school kids. At first, we thought it unrealistic that kids can be treasure hunters. But after this movie, everyone’s perspective has changed. director Richard Donner is the only one that could make it happen. It’s quite exciting to watch when kids find a treasure that pro treasure hunters couldn’t find. Kids with their tricks fighting the badass criminals are what we look in a family movie. Child actors have done an extraordinary performance and that made it a classic funny family movie.

1.The Lion King

This 1994 Disney classic is favorite for every human being. This was the first animated movie that made us cry at some point with the emotional death scenes. While watching an animated movie as an adult, We all think that these are for adults. But longer the story proceeds we create an emotional bond with the character. This is the story of a young lion Simba, that rises to occasion after the death of his father by his uncle. It shows that in any critical condition we shall not give up.

Our list of best family movies to read ends here.  It is mandatory to spend time with your family that will make your bond grow stronger.  Check out our other post also for an amazing experience.

Hi, gurbi is a fashion blogger, designer, and fashion consultant. He is 25 yrs old man who love the world of fashion.